Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Tuesday June 25, 2013

Good evening,

There will no longer be any homework assigned.  We are currently completing assignments in class that we have been working on over the past week, so it is important that students are present to ensure that these assignments can be completed.  Students are asked to please ensure that their lockers are completely cleaned out by tomorrow afternoon.  For the last two days of school (Wednesday and Thursday), students are asked to ensure that they have their book bags with them as well as a pencil.  They are asked to have a pencil for assignments, and a book bag in case there is anything that they need to carry home with them.

We are looking forward to an exciting day tomorrow as we will have our Pride Assembly, as well as the Rick Hansen PS Talent Show.  Our school is full of many talented young men and women, and we are excited to see them shine tomorrow.

Thank you kindly.  I hope everyone has a great night.

Jonathan Carr

Monday, 24 June 2013

Monday June 24, 2013

Good evening,

I hope everyone had a terrific weekend.  Thank you to all who came out and supported "Hansen-Palooza" on Friday.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

With this being the last week of school, students have been asked to make sure that everything is out of their lockers by Wednesday evening.  The only thing that should be left in their lockers at this point are their duotangs. 

Please be reminded that the last day of school is this Thursday, and students will be dismissed at 12:10pm. 

Please find tonight's homework below:

Grades 5 & 6:

Literacy - brainstorm more arguments for tomorrow's debates

Clean out lockers by Wednesday

Math - Study times tables (0-11)

Library books due back to library immediately please.

Have a great night.

Jonathan Carr

Friday, 21 June 2013

Friday June 21, 2013

Good evening,

Tonight is Hansen-Palooza!  We are all very excited for this event and look forward to hopefully seeing everyone there.

Please find tonight's homework below.

Grade 5:

Literacy - Complete at least 1 double-sided page of your narrative story (due Monday)

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Library books due back Monday

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Literacy - Complete at least 1 double-sided page of your narrative story (due Monday)

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Library books due back Monday

 Friday Folders due

Have a terrific weekend.

Jonathan Carr

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Thursday June 20, 2013

Good evening,

Tomorrow is Hansen-Palooza!  We are all very excited for this event and look forward to hopefully seeing everyone there.

Please find tonight's homework below.

Grade 5:

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

French - Cue cards

Friday Folders due

Have a terrific evening.

Jonathan Carr

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Wednesday June 19, 2013

Good evening, 

Please find tonight's homework below:

Grade 5:

Literacy - Quotation mark page (due tomorrow)

Science - Electricity Questions (due tomorrow)

Music - Bring supplies

French - Cue cards

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Literacy - Quotation mark page (due tomorrow)

Science - Electricity Questions (due tomorrow)
Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

French - Cue cards

Friday Folders due

Have a terrific evening.

Jonathan Carr

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Tuesday June 18, 2013

Good evening,

As some may have noticed, there has not been as much homework going home for the past week.  This is due to the fact that much of what we are doing right now involves group work, and so students need to complete the assignments in class with their groups.  The tasks we have been working on in Literacy (Public Service Announcements), Science (Travel Back in Time Assignment), and Social Studies (Government Structure Experiential Exercise) are summative tasks for things we have been working on the past few weeks.  These tasks serve as a means for students to display their learning in a enjoyable, but authentic and meaningful, way.

Please find tonight's homework below:

Grade 5:

Literacy - Complete Narrative Events Planner (due tomorrow)

Music - Bring supplies

French - Cue cards

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Literacy - Complete Narrative Events Planner (due tomorrow)

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

French - Cue cards

Friday Folders due

Have a terrific evening.

Jonathan Carr

Monday, 17 June 2013

Monday June 17, 2013

Good evening,

I hope that all Father's from our class had a terrific Father's Day yesterday.

As some may have noticed, there has not been as much homework going home for the past week.  This is due to the fact that much of what we are doing right now involves group work, and so students need to complete the assignments in class with their groups.  The tasks we have been working on in Literacy (Public Service Announcements), Science (Travel Back in Time Assignment), and Social Studies (Government Structure Experiential Exercise) are summative tasks for things we have been working on the past few weeks.  These tasks serve as a means for students to display their learning in a enjoyable, but authentic and meaningful, way.

Please find tonight's homework below:

Grade 5:

Literacy - Complete Narrative Pyramids (due)

Music - Bring supplies

French - Cue cards

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Literacy - Complete Narrative Pyramids (due)

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

French - Cue cards

Friday Folders due

Have a terrific evening.

Jonathan Carr

Friday, 14 June 2013

Friday June 14, 2013

Good evening,

Please find tonight's homework below:

Grade 5:

Literacy - Complete Narrative Pyramids (due Monday)

Music - Bring supplies

French - Cue cards

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Literacy - Complete Narrative Pyramids (due Monday)

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

French - Cue cards

Friday Folders due

A very happy Father's Day to all Father's represented in our class!

Jonathan Carr

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Thursday June 13, 2013

Good evening,

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is Jersey/Superhero day.  Students are encouraged to dress up :)

Please find tonight's homework below:

Grade 5:

Music - Bring supplies

French - Cue cards

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

French - Cue cards

Social Studies - Complete Trade Questions 

Friday Folders due

Have a great evening!

Jonathan Carr

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Wednesday June 12, 2013

Good evening,

Today our students had the opportunity to enjoy some golf instruction courtesy of the CN Future Links Golf Program.  The students really seemed to enjoy the game.  It looks like we have some budding golfers in our midst.  If any parents are interested in learning how to get their son or daughter more involved in the game of golf, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Please find tonight's homework below:

Grade 5:

Music - Bring supplies

Science - Roller Coaster questions (due tomorrow)

French - Cue cards

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

French - Cue cards

Social Studies - Complete Trade Questions (due tomorrow)

Friday Folders due

Have a great evening!

Jonathan Carr

Monday, 10 June 2013

Monday June 10, 2013

Good evening,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is Area Track and Field Day at G.W. Williams High School.  Students are reminded to dress for the weather and to make sure that they bring their lunch and snacks with them.  They are also asked to make sure that they check the blog tomorrow night to ensure that they are caught up with all homework assignments.

Please find tonight's homework below:

Grade 5:

Music - Bring supplies

Literacy - Read 30 minutes & Reader's Notebooks

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Grade 6:

Literacy - Read 30 minutes & Reader's Notebooks

Math - Times Tables memorized for next week (0-11, but you can memorize more if you would like to challenge yourself :) )

Friday Folders due

Have a great evening!

Jonathan Carr

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Thursday June 6, 2013

Good evening everyone,

Today the students did a tremendous job with their debate presentations.  We have one more group to present.  The students had a lot of fun, and it was exciting for me to watch their enthusiasm as they used their higher order thinking skills to generate ideas and develop meaningful arguments.

Due to the fact that we were working on the debates for much of today, I have not assigned any homework for this weekend.  The only thing that I would like to see come back on Monday is their signed Friday Folders.  Please take some time to look through their folders, as they will give you a greater idea of your child's performance in the classroom.  One of the purposes of the Friday Folders is for parents to be able to stay informed of their child's progress.

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is a P.A. Day.

Have a great weekend!

Jonathan Carr

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Wednesday June 5, 2013

Good evening,

Today the grade 6 students concluded their EQAO testing.  They should all be very proud of themselves as I could tell that they were working hard and putting for their best effort.  I am a big believer in the fact that when you work your hardest and do your best, then you have achieved personal success, regardless of the result.

Please find tonight's homework outlined below.

Grade 5:

Music - bring in music supplies

Literacy - Debate presentations tomorrow - PRACTICE YOUR NOTES! :)  

Art and craft supplies for the Hansenpalooza baskets (for any who are interested in donating)

Grade 6:

Music - bring in music supplies

Literacy - Debate presentations tomorrow - PRACTICE YOUR NOTES! :)  

Art and craft supplies for the Hansenpalooza baskets (for any who are interested in donating)

Have a great night!

Jonathan Carr

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Tuesday June 4, 2013

Good evening everyone,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is "Walking Wednesday".  As well, for those students who signed up for the Bike Program, they are asked to bring their bikes to school tomorrow, as the tune ups that are a part of the program will be done here on site in the morning.  Also for those bike students, June 20th will be their "bike day" for the program.

Please find tonight's homework outlined below.

Grade 5:

Music - bring in music supplies

Health - fill in the blanks pages (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Debates Thursday

Art and craft supplies for the Hansenpalooza baskets (for any who are interested in donating)

Grade 6:

Music - bring in music supplies

Health - fill in the blanks pages (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Debates Thursday

Art and craft supplies for the Hansenpalooza baskets (for any who are interested in donating)

Have a great night!

Jonathan Carr

Monday, 3 June 2013

Monday June 3, 2013

Good evening everyone,

This week will look a little a different from normal ones, as the grade 6's are working extremely hard on their EQAO tests.

Please find tonight's homework outlined below.

Grade 5:

Social Studies - Federal Government Questions due tomorrow

Music - bring in music supplies

Health - fill in the blanks pages (due Wednesday)

Literacy - Debates Thursday

Literacy - Opening Statement notes (due tomorrow)

Grade 6:

Health - fill in the blanks pages (due Wednesday)

Literacy - Debates Thursday

Literacy - Opening Statement notes (due tomorrow)

Have a great night!

Jonathan Carr