Monday, 30 April 2018

Monday April 30, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Hansen Palooza is coming in June.  This is a huge event for our school, and a very significant fundraiser.  It has been as a result of this fundraiser that our school has been able to provide more resources (especially technology) that our students would not have been given otherwise.  We are in need of adult volunteers.  Please see the info below from our School Council.

Hansen Palooza is always so much fun for everyone! This year it will be held on Friday June 8 from 3:40p – 8:30p. Rain or shine! To make it successful though, a large number of people are needed to help so we are looking for many volunteers from RHPS and the Community. There is a particularly strong need for adult volunteers during the event. All money raised will help support the academic, literacy, arts and athletic programs at our school. This is a RHPSPAC Fundraising Event. Help is needed with event set up, various activities during the night and with clean up. Many hands are needed! So we ask that you please volunteer by completing this form OR emailing 

Please find your homework below....

Hansen Palooza - Please ask your parents if they are able to volunteer. on June 8th.

Williams Field Trip - Permission forms due Thursday

Math - Please complete your fraction & area question from class today (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Please write down your 3 action statements for improving your "WOW" presentations.  Please write them down on your Pegging Practice Assignment.  Make sure to make the most meaningful choices, not the "easiest" choices.  This is about growth.  (Due tomorrow)

Geography - Two tasks from chapter 5 (Interaction)
1. Which natural environment due you think is the most challenging?
2. Natural Disaster research questions (due Wednesday)

Science - Test May 10

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Friday, 27 April 2018

Friday April 27, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Hansen Palooza is coming in June.  This is a huge event for our school, and a very significant fundraiser.  It has been as a result of this fundraiser that our school has been able to provide more resources (especially technology) that our students would not have been given otherwise.  We are in need of adult volunteers.  Please see the info below from our School Council.

Hansen Palooza is always so much fun for everyone! This year it will be held on Friday June 8 from 3:40p – 8:30p. Rain or shine! To make it successful though, a large number of people are needed to help so we are looking for many volunteers from RHPS and the Community. There is a particularly strong need for adult volunteers during the event. All money raised will help support the academic, literacy, arts and athletic programs at our school. This is a RHPSPAC Fundraising Event. Help is needed with event set up, various activities during the night and with clean up. Many hands are needed! So we ask that you please volunteer by completing this form OR emailing 

Please find your homework below....

Hansen Palooza - Please ask your parents if they are able to volunteer. on June 8th.

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due Monday)

Literacy - Please complete your research for the Healthy Eating Assignment for Thursday.
You know you are done your research when can answer the 3 questions on Google Classroom.
We will talk in class and develop deeper understanding through conversations about the
research others have completed. (Due Monday)

Geography - Two tasks from chapter 5 (Interaction)
1. Which natural environment due you think is the most challenging?
2. Natural Disaster research questions (due Wednesday)

Science - Test May 10

Art - Graffiti Art assignment.  Please see steps below and example below.  The steps are simply a suggestion.  You can be creative in how you create your art.  Please make sure that the word you use has a positive message, and then write 2-3 sentences that contain figurative language and explain the positive message.  (Due Monday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Wednesday April 25, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Hansen Palooza is coming in June.  This is a huge event for our school, and a very significant fundraiser.  It has been as a result of this fundraiser that our school has been able to provide more resources (especially technology) that our students would not have been given otherwise.  We are in need of adult volunteers.  Please see the info below from our School Council.

Hansen Palooza is always so much fun for everyone! This year it will be held on Friday June 8 from 3:40p – 8:30p. Rain or shine! To make it successful though, a large number of people are needed to help so we are looking for many volunteers from RHPS and the Community. There is a particularly strong need for adult volunteers during the event. All money raised will help support the academic, literacy, arts and athletic programs at our school. This is a RHPSPAC Fundraising Event. Help is needed with event set up, various activities during the night and with clean up. Many hands are needed! So we ask that you please volunteer by completing this form OR emailing 

Please find your homework below....

Hansen Palooza - Please ask your parents if they are able to volunteer. on June 8th.

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

Literacy - Please complete your research for the Healthy Eating Assignment for Thursday.
You know you are done your research when can answer the 3 questions on Google Classroom.
We will talk in class and develop deeper understanding through conversations about the
research others have completed. (Due Monday)

Literacy - Complete the Synthesis section of the Temple Grandin assignment (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Pegging presentations from History (due Friday)

Science - Assigned task (due tomorrow)

Art - Graffiti Art assignment.  Please see steps below and example below.  The steps are simply a suggestion.  You can be creative in how you create your art.  Please make sure that the word you use has a positive message, and then write 2-3 sentences that contain figurative language and explain the positive message.  (Due Monday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Tuesday April 24, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Tomorrow is Autism Awareness Day.  Please wear blue, and if you would like to make a toonie donation that would be appreciated.  Please come dressed for the weather for our run/walk in the afternoon.

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - If you have not handed in your freewrite assignment (the one where we used the checklist) please make sure you do so soon.  (Due - it is late)

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

Literacy - Please complete your research for the Healthy Eating Assignment for Thursday.
You know you are done your research when can answer the 3 questions on Google Classroom.
We will talk in class and develop deeper understanding through conversations about the
research others have completed. (Due Thursday)

Literacy - Complete the "After Viewing" questions from Temple Grandin assignment (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Pegging presentations from History (due Friday)

Science - Assigned task (due next day)

Art - Graffiti Art assignment.  Please see steps below and example below.  The steps are simply a suggestion.  You can be creative in how you create your art.  Please make sure that the word you use has a positive message, and then write 2-3 sentences that contain figurative language and explain the positive message.  (Due Monday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Friday, 20 April 2018

Monday April 23, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - If you have not handed in your freewrite assignment (the one where we used the checklist) please make sure you do so soon.  (Due - it is late)

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

Literacy - Please complete your research for the Healthy Eating Assignment for Thursday.
You know you are done your research when can answer the 3 questions on Google Classroom.
We will talk in class and develop deeper understanding through conversations about the
research others have completed. (Due Thursday)

Science - p.41 #1-4 (Due Tuesday)

Art - Graffiti Art assignment.  Please see steps below and example below.  The steps are simply a suggestion.  You can be creative in how you create your art.  Please make sure that the word you use has a positive message, and then write 2-3 sentences that contain figurative language and explain the positive message.  (Due Monday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Wednesday April 18, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - Passion Project - please complete another freewrite (due Friday)

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

Math - All homework from Wednesday & Thursday  this week will be due on Monday due to the test Friday.  The homework is below...
    1. p. 387 #6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13
    2. p. 390-391 # 5-9, 11, 12, 19

Math - Probability test tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Monday, 16 April 2018

Monday April 16, 2018

Good evening everyone,

There is no new homework tonight as a result of the inclement weather day. 

Please note....our Math test will be moved from Wednesday to Friday.

Mr. Carr

Friday, 13 April 2018

Friday April 13, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - Passion Project - please complete another freewrite (due Friday)

History - Presentation due tomorrow.  You will get a chance to practice tomorrow, but you must be prepared.

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

Math - Please complete review on Google Classroom (due Monday)

Math - Probability test Wednesday. 

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Thursday April 12, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - Passion Project - please complete 1 freewrite (due tomorrow)

History - Presentation due tomorrow.  You will get a chance to practice tomorrow, but you must be prepared.

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

Math - Probability test Wednesday

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Monday, 9 April 2018

Tuesday April 10, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below....

Math - Please complete the Rock, Paper, Scissors task today.  You can find it on the Google Classroom.  (Due Thursday)

Literacy - Passion Project - please complete 1 freewrite (due Friday)

History - Presentation due tomorrow.  You will get a chance to practice tomorrow, but you must be prepared.

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

Tomorrow is International Day of Pink (anti-bullying initiative)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Friday, 6 April 2018

Friday April 6, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below....

Math - Page 430-431...Please complete A-F.  If you don't have dice at home, you can use this link for virtual die.

Math - Your Data Management (Health Data) assignment is due Monday.  Make sure you review the assignment sheet.

History - Presentation due Wednesday.

Art - Graffiti Art Assignment.  Instruction below (Due Monday)

1. Write your word
2.  Outline
3.  Add the "funk"
4.  Outline again to make your word "pop"
5.  Force field

Task:  Create a piece of graffiti art which provides a positive message to our community.  The message should relate to a common theme or problem that you see in our world today.  Your purpose is to influence them through your art, and through your message, to make a meaningful difference in this area.

  • An extension to this is to write a description for your message below your graffiti art which further explains what you are trying to say.  Your explanation should be 1-2 sentences which are creative and use figurative language. (i.e., if word is “UNITY”, then the sentences below could be something like….”Together we are a rock.  Apart we are fractured fragments spread across the the floor we call society”. ….The first part about the rock is a metaphor, while the second sentence could be considered a metaphor or possibly hyperbole.

Music - Assignment due April 10th

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

April 11th is International Day of Pink (anti-bullying initiative)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Wednesday April 4, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below....

Math - Page 429 ...create your own question like #14.  Try to do one that does not involve ice cream scoops.  (Due tomorrow)

Math - Your Data Management (Health Data) assignment is due Monday.  This will be completed at home.  I am giving you the extra time like the class asked, but I recommend you complete it prior to the Easter weekend.

Art - Perspective assignment (Due Monday)

Music - Assignment due April 10th

French - Rhyme de la vie project (due April 30th)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Tuesday April 3, 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below....

Math - Page 429 # 9 and 14

Math - Your Data Management (Health Data) assignment is due Monday.  This will be completed at home.  I am giving you the extra time like the class asked, but I recommend you complete it prior to the Easter weekend.

Friday Folders - Please make sure your Friday Folders are signed by parents and returned (overdue)

Feedback Duotangs - Please take all the feedback from the assignments that were handed back today and write it in your Feedback duotang.  (overdue)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr