Thursday, 28 February 2019

Thursday February 28, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Message to Parents - Due to yesterday's snow day, this presentation has been rescheduled to Monday.
This year we have spent a lot of time speaking about Mental Health and Well-being.  It has been a theme in our classroom.  Monday, we will be welcoming into our class one of the YRDSB social workers.  Students will have a presentation which will complement much of what we have learned about in class this year - mental health, stress, developing healthy coping strategies.  They will also be speaking about who you can go to for help if they ever need it.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Golden Garbage Can Announcements - Please see the homework board in the classroom to know which day you present.  It is your responsibility to make sure that you and your group are prepared to present your announcement.  YOU ALSO NEED TO MAKE SURE YOU SHOW UP TO PRESENT!

Phys Ed - Cricket reflection task.  You should be very close to done this task, as you had lots of time in class to complete it.  This is not a task that should take you longer than 1 hour to complete, and you have already been provided 40 minutes of class time (Due tomorrow)

Math - Analysing Health Data Assignment (Due tomorrow)

Social Studies - History Storytelling Task (Due March 6)

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Snow Day

Today is a snow day.  We will not be starting anything new.  If you are at school you will have time to work on tasks and assignments.  If you are not at school, you can be working at home on upcoming tasks and assignments.  Please stay safe :)

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Tuesday February 26, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Message to Parents
This year we have spent a lot of time speaking about Mental Health and Well-being.  It has been a theme in our classroom.  Tomorrow, we will be welcoming into our class one of the YRDSB social workers.  Students will have a presentation which will complement much of what we have learned about in class this year - mental health, stress, developing healthy coping strategies.  They will also be speaking about who you can go to for help if they ever need it.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Pink Shirt Day  - In support of Stomp Out Bullying - Tomorrow

Math - Create at least 1 ratio from your survey results (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - Golden Garbage Can Announcement - present tomorrow.  Make sure you can explain which WOW strategies you used.  Also practice using appropriate tone of voice.  (Due tomorrow)

Math - Data Management Test signed.  This test was a very straightforward one.  Your Analysing Health Data task will have the greatest influence on your marks for this unit.  (Test signed for Monday)

Phys Ed - Cricket reflection task.  You should be very close to done this task, as you had lots of time in class to complete it.  This is not a task that should take you longer than 1 hour to complete, and you have already been provided 40 minutes of class time (Due Friday)

Math - Analysing Health Data Assignment (Due Friday)

Social Studies - History Storytelling Task (Due March 6)

Stress & Anxiety Task - Please return your marked rubric back, signed by a parent/guardian.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Monday, 25 February 2019

Snow Day

Due to the weather, and cancellation of buses, we will not start anything new today.  Class time will be provided to work on upcoming tasks.  If you are not at school, you can use time at home to complete upcoming assignments (if you so choose :) )

Mr. Carr

Friday, 22 February 2019

Friday February 22, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Message to Parents
This year we have spent a lot of time speaking about Mental Health and Well-being.  It has been a theme in our classroom.  Next week, on February 27th, we will be welcoming into our class one of the YRDSB social workers.  Students will have a presentation which will complement much of what we have learned about in class this year - mental health, stress, developing healthy coping strategies.  They will also be speaking about who you can go to for help if they ever need it.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Our room tonight was left very poorly - and this was after all our discussion about respecting our caretakers.  People left papers all over their desks, snap cubes on the floor, pencil crayons on the ground, etc..  Therefore, the new rule is that nobody leaves the classroom at the end of the day until the entire room is completely clean.  I will give you plenty of time to clean up, like I always have.  If everyone does their part, we will be done well before the bell rings.  I look forward to being able to remove this stipulation.  We must be more responsible.

Carnival - Thank you for the wonderful job you all did today.  I will continue to say it, you are wonderful people who care about others and never fail to show it! :)

Pink Shirt Day  - In support of Stomp Out Bullying - On Wednesday

Math - Have your survey prepared for Monday.  You will take your results and be creating ratios.  (Due Monday)

Literacy - Golden Garbage Can Announcement.  Please make sure you have followed the guidelines below... (Due Tuesday)

  1. Introduces them to the Golden Garbage Can competition.
  2. Inspires your audience to take action.
  3. Shows great appreciation for our caretakers.
  4. Uses at least 1 other “WOW” strategy (besides inspiring your audience)
  5. 30 seconds long.

Math - Data Management Test signed.  This test was a very straightforward one.  Your Analysing Health Data task will have the greatest influence on your marks for this unit.  (Test signed for Monday)

Phys Ed - Cricket reflection task.  You should be very close to done this task, as you had lots of time in class to complete it.  This is not a task that should take you longer than 1 hour to complete, and you have already been provided 40 minutes of class time (Due Friday March 1)

Stress & Anxiety Task - Please return your marked rubric back, signed by a parent/guardian.

Math - Analysing Health Data Assignment (Due Friday March 1)

Social Studies - History Storytelling Task (Due March 6)

Science - Houses due February 26th.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Thursday February 21, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Message to Parents
This year we have spent a lot of time speaking about Mental Health and Well-being.  It has been a theme in our classroom.  Next week, on February 27th, we will be welcoming into our class one of the YRDSB social workers.  Students will have a presentation which will complement much of what we have learned about in class this year - mental health, stress, developing healthy coping strategies.  They will also be speaking about who you can go to for help if they ever need it.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Our room tonight was left very poorly - and this was after all our discussion about respecting our caretakers.  People left papers all over their desks, snap cubes on the floor, pencil crayons on the ground, etc..  Therefore, the new rule is that nobody leaves the classroom at the end of the day until the entire room is completely clean.  I will give you plenty of time to clean up, like I always have.  If everyone does their part, we will be done well before the bell rings.  I look forward to being able to remove this stipulation.  We must be more responsible.

Pink Shirt Day  - In support of Stomp Out Bullying - On Wednesday

Carnival - The following are the special events occurring next week for Carnival....
Tomorrow - Hoodie Day & CARNIVAL!!!

Please make sure you come tomorrow dressed for the weather.  We are looking forward to a wonderful day of CARNIVAL!!

Math - Have your survey prepared for Monday.  You will take your results and be creating ratios.  (Due Monday)

Literacy - Golden Garbage Can Announcement.  Please make sure you have followed the guidelines below... (Due Tuesday)

  1. Introduces them to the Golden Garbage Can competition.
  2. Inspires your audience to take action.
  3. Shows great appreciation for our caretakers.
  4. Uses at least 1 other “WOW” strategy (besides inspiring your audience)
  5. 30 seconds long.

Phys Ed - Cricket reflection task.  You should be very close to done this task, as you had lots of time in class to complete it.  This is not a task that should take you longer than 1 hour to complete, and you have already been provided 40 minutes of class time (Due March 1)

Stress & Anxiety Task - Please return your marked rubric back, signed by a parent/guardian.

Math - Analysing Health Data Assignment (Due March 1)

Social Studies - History Storytelling Task (Due March 6)

Science - Houses due February 26th.

Glow in the Dark Dance - Tonight!! 6-9pm.  An email was sent home to families with details.  Students can RSVP online.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Wednesday February 20, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Message to Parents
This year we have spent a lot of time speaking about Mental Health and Well-being.  It has been a theme in our classroom.  Next week, on February 27th, we will be welcoming into our class one of the YRDSB social workers.  Students will have a presentation which will complement much of what we have learned about in class this year - mental health, stress, developing healthy coping strategies.  They will also be speaking about who you can go to for help if they ever need it.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Carnival - The following are the special events occurring next week for Carnival....
Thursday - Snowflake Day
Friday - Hoodie Day & CARNIVAL!!!

Literacy - Complete 3 freewrites for the first three articles from the Gratitude Assignment (due tomorrow)

Stress & Anxiety Task - Please return your marked rubric back, signed by a parent/guardian.

Math - Analysing Health Data Assignment (Due March 1)

Social Studies - History Storytelling Task (Due March 6)

Science - Houses due February 26th.

Glow in the Dark Dance - Tomorrow, 6-9pm.  An email was sent home to families with details.  Students can RSVP online.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Tuesday February 19, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Message to Parents
This year we have spent a lot of time speaking about Mental Health and Well-being.  It has been a theme in our classroom.  Next week, on February 27th, we will be welcoming into our class a YRDSB social worker.  Students will be presented with a presentation which will complement much of what we have learned about in class this year - mental health, stress, developing healthy coping strategies.  They will also be speaking about who you can go to for help if they ever need it.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Carnival - The following are the special events occurring next week for Carnival....

Wednesday - French T-Shirt Day
Thursday - Snowflake Day
Friday - Hoodie Day & CARNIVAL!!!

Literacy - Complete 3 freewrites for the first three articles from the Gratitude Assignment (due Thursday)

Stress & Anxiety Task - Please return your marked rubric back, signed by a parent/guardian.

Math - Data Management Test is tomorrow.

Math - Analysing Health Data Assignment (Due March 1)

Science - Houses due February 21st.

Glow in the Dark Dance - February 21st, 6-9pm.  An email was sent home to families with details.

Lunch time Skating - For those students who are interested in skating during the lunch hour in the coming weeks, please make sure that you have signed the relevant permission forms that were sent home by the school through email.  Forms need to be brought to me as soon as possible.  This is voluntary.  You do not need to skate during the lunch hour if you don't want to.

Host Family - If you are interested in being a host family for an international exchange student, please see the following link.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Friday, 15 February 2019

Friday February 15, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Term 1 Report Cards
These have gone home.  Parents, please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or anything else that you would like to discuss.

Math - Yesterday, students had the opportunity to explore a website that our school board has promoted, and that is run by TVO.  It is a platform that allows for free online math help.  Students can connect with a tutor and receive support at home.  As this involves speaking with strangers, we did have a discussion about what to do if you ever feel uncomfortable with something that someone says online.  With this said, it is a YRDSB approved website, meaning that anyone communicating with students would be screened.  The website is listed below for parents who would like to explore more, and utilize this resource, with their children. .

Carnival - The following are the special events occurring next week for Carnival....

Tuesday - Winter Hat & Scarf Day
Wednesday - French T-Shirt Day
Thursday - Snowflake Day
Friday - Hoodie Day & CARNIVAL!!!

Stress & Anxiety Task - Please return your marked rubric back, signed by a parent/guardian.

Math - Data Management Test is Wednesday.

Science - Houses due February 21st.

Glow in the Dark Dance - February 21st, 6-9pm.  An email was sent home to families with details.

Lunch time Skating - For those students who are interested in skating during the lunch hour in the coming weeks, please make sure that you have signed the relevant permission forms that were sent home by the school through email.  Forms need to be brought to me as soon as possible.  This is voluntary.  You do not need to skate during the lunch hour if you don't want to.

Host Family - If you are interested in being a host family for an international exchange student, please see the following link.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Wednesday February 13, 2019

Good evening everyone!


Term 1 Report Cards
These have gone home.  Parents, please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or anything else that you would like to discuss.

Math - Today students had the opportunity to explore a website that our school board has promoted, and that is run by TVO.  It is a platform that allows for free online math help.  Students can connect with a tutor and receive support at home.  As this involves speaking with strangers, we did have a discussion about what to do if you ever feel uncomfortable with something that someone says online.  With this said, it is a YRDSB approved website, meaning that anyone communicating with students would be screened.  The website is listed below for parents who would like to explore more, and utilize this resource, with their children. .

Art - Tessellations due tomorrow

Math - Data Management Test is Wednesday.

Science - Houses due February 21st.

Glow in the Dark Dance - February 21st, 6-9pm.  An email was sent home to families with details.

Lunch time Skating - For those students who are interested in skating during the lunch hour in the coming weeks, please make sure that you have signed the relevant permission forms that were sent home by the school through email.  Forms need to be brought to me as soon as possible.  This is voluntary.  You do not need to skate during the lunch hour if you don't want to.

Host Family - If you are interested in being a host family for an international exchange student, please see the following link.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Monday, 11 February 2019

Monday February 11, 2019

Good evening everyone!


I hope you are all feeling better soon.  There have been a number of you away.  When you are feeling well enough, please try to keep up with the work you have missed.  I hope that you have been able to keep up with the work that has been on the blog over the last few days that you have been away.  If not, please use the blog to catch up on the days you have been away.  Please also take a look at the following...

1.  The math review on Google Classroom.  You do not need to complete all of this, but please go through it and identify any areas that you need extra help on.  Please see me at a recess or before school for extra help when you return.

2.  Please make sure you have kept up with Spoken Word poems.  You should have completed at least 2 now, each being 200-250 words in length.  You can use the Poetic Elements Document on Google Classroom to remind you of the elements we have studied.  

Literacy - Poetry task from today.  Please use the following instructions to guide you. (Due Wednesday)

        1. Describe a time where you did not feel like you belonged in a place where you were supposed to belong.  
        2. Describe in vivid detail the feelings and emotions of the experience.
        3. Use poetic elements (Spoken Word strategies we have learned)
        4. Don’t share anything that would embarrass you or other people.
        5. At least 250 words in length.

History - Durham Report & Act of Union questions (Due tomorrow)

Science - Houses due February 21st.

Glow in the Dark Dance - February 21st, 6-9pm.  An email was sent home to families with details. 

Lunch time Skating - For those students who are interested in skating during the lunch hour in the coming weeks, please make sure that you have signed the relevant permission forms that were sent home by the school through email.  Forms need to be brought to me as soon as possible.  This is voluntary.  You do not need to skate during the lunch hour if you don't want to.

Host Family - If you are interested in being a host family for an international exchange student, please see the following link.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Friday, 8 February 2019

Friday February 8, 2019

Good evening everyone!


I hope you are all feeling better soon.  There have been a number of you away.  When you are feeling well enough, please try to keep up with the work you have missed.  I hope that you have been able to keep up with the work that has been on the blog over the last few days that you have been away.  If not, please use the blog to catch up on the days you have been away.  Please also take a look at the following...

1.  The math review on Google Classroom.  You do not need to complete all of this, but please go through it and identify any areas that you need extra help on.  Please see me at a recess or before school for extra help when you return.

2.  Please make sure you have kept up with Spoken Word poems.  You should have completed at least 2 now, each being 200-250 words in length.  You can use the Poetic Elements Document on Google Classroom to remind you of the elements we have studied.  

Math - p. 109 #A,B,C (Due Monday)

Literacy - Poetry from Around the World task.  Please make sure you have read all the poems and answered all the questions.  It is okay if you have split up the questions with your partners, but you must know what those answers are.  (Due Monday)

History - Durham Report & Act of Union questions (Due Tuesday)

French - 3A, 3B, 4A (Due Lundi/Monday)

Lunch time Skating - For those students who are interested in skating during the lunch hour in the coming weeks, please make sure that you have signed the relevant permission forms that were sent home by the school through email.  Forms need to be brought to me as soon as possible.  This is voluntary.  You do not need to skate during the lunch hour if you don't want to.

Host Family - If you are interested in being a host family for an international exchange student, please see the following link.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Thursday February 7, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Literacy - Please complete your spoken word on fear and courage.  How you do this is up to you, but you should have at least 250 words.  Please use the notes below to guide you.... (Due tomorrow)
1.  Feelings involved in fear and courage.
2.  Emotions involved.
3.  Desires involved.
4.  What does fear look like?
5.  What does courage look like?

History - Durham Report & Act of Union questions (Due Tuesday)

French - 3A, 3B, 4A (Due Lundi/Monday)

Lunch time Skating - For those students who are interested in skating during the lunch hour in the coming weeks, please make sure that you have signed the relevant permission forms that were sent home by the school through email.  Forms need to be brought to me as soon as possible.  This is voluntary.  You do not need to skate during the lunch hour if you don't want to.

Host Family - If you are interested in being a host family for an international exchange student, please see the following link.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

Monday, 4 February 2019

Monday February 4, 2019

Good evening everyone!


Students received math tasks back today with marks included.  Please ask your child to show you :)

Literacy - Please complete your spoken word poems that we started today in class.  You should have at least 200 words (feel free to have more), and strive to use the strategies that are on Google Classroom from the "Touchscreen" poem/assignment sheet.  (Due Wednesday)

Literacy - Stress & Anxiety good copy.  (Due)

Math - p.101 #10 & 13 (due tomorrow)

History - Please complete questions 3 & 5 (Due tomorrow)

Host Family - If you are interested in being a host family for an international exchange student, please see the following link.

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive)