Friday, 31 October 2014

Friday October 31, 2014

Good evening everyone,

I hope you all have a great weekend and a very safe time Trick or Treating!

Grade 3

Literacy - Complete Media Triangle (due Monday)

Math - Multiplication & Division review pages due Monday

Math - Multiplication & Division test Thursday

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.

Social Studies - Please make sure tests are signed and returned to Ms. Currie

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!  Last day is Monday.

Grade 4

Literacy - Complete Media Triangle (due Monday)

Math - Multiplication & Division review pages due Monday

Math - Multiplication & Division test Thursday

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.

Social Studies - Please make sure tests are signed and returned to Ms. Currie

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!  Last day is Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Thursday October 30, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find tonight's homework below.

Grade 3

Literacy - Complete Media Triangle (due Monday)

Math - Multiplication & Division review pages due Monday

Literacy - Spelling quiz tomorrow.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Scholastic orders due tomorrow

Grade 4

Science - Bob the Builder assignment due tomorrow (Please submit tonight on Google Drive)

Literacy - Complete Media Triangle (due Monday)

Math - Multiplication & Division review pages due Monday

Literacy - Spelling quiz tomorrow.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Scholastic orders due tomorrow

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Wednesday October 29, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

If any of you have any movies that you would like to watch Friday afternoon for Halloween, please feel free to bring them in tomorrow and we can decide which we would like watch.  Please remember that they must be appropriate for school.

Grade 3

Literacy - Complete Media Triangle (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Scholastic orders due Friday

Grade 4

Literacy - Complete Media Triangle (due tomorrow)

Science - Bob the Builder Assignment (due Friday - please make sure you submit it on Google Classroom)

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Scholastic orders due Friday

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Tuesday October 28, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

I hope you all have a terrific evening.  Tonight would be a great night to get ahead on assignments that you have coming due on Friday.

Please remember that tomorrow is the due date for picture orders.

I would like to show a movie on Friday afternoon to enjoy Halloween.  If anyone has any movies at home that you feel would be appropriate, please let me know :)

Grade 3

Health - Decode message from comic #3 (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (tomorrow)

-Scholastic orders due Friday October 31st

Grade 4

Health - Decode message from comic #3 (due tomorrow)

Science - Bob the Builder Assignment due Friday.  Please make sure you "SUBMIT" the assignment on Google Classroom by Friday morning.

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (tomorrow)

-Scholastic orders due Friday October 31st

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 24 October 2014

Friday October 24, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please remember that Monday is a PA Day.  I hope you all enjoy your long weekend.

Grade 3

Literacy - Lesson #17 & 18 (Compound sentences & Run-On Sentences) - Due Tuesday

Literacy - Complete your essay ideas.  You should have at least 5 ideas to write about for each argument. (Due Tuesday)

Health - Decode message from comic #3 (due Wednesday)

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (Wednesday)

-Scholastic orders due Friday October 31st

Grade 4

Literacy - Lesson #17 & 18 (Compound sentences & Run-On Sentences) - Due Tuesday

Literacy - Complete your essay ideas.  You should have at least 5 ideas to write about for each argument. (Due Tuesday)

Health - Decode message from comic #3 (due Wednesday)

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (Wednesday)

-Scholastic orders due Friday October 31st

See you Tuesday!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Thursday October 23, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below.  Have a great night!

Grade 3

Health - Decode message from comic #3 (due Wednesday)

Literacy - Spelling quiz tomorrow.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (Wednesday)

-Scholastic orders due Friday October 31st

Grade 4

Health - Decode message from comic #3 (due Wednesday)

Literacy - Spelling quiz tomorrow.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (Wednesday)

-Scholastic orders due Friday October 31st

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Wednesday October 22, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Today's math lesson is on Educreations that you can now view.  It would be great if you showed your parents what we have been working on :)

I hope you have a great night!  See you tomorrow.

Grade 3

Literacy - Please complete your personal story activity that we were working on today.

Health - Decode message from comic #3 (due Wednesday)

Social Studies - Quiz tomorrow.  Make sure you study!

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (Wednesday)

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

It was so nice to come to school today and have a note on my desk from yesterday's supply teacher that was so complimentary of the class.  She said that you were a very respectful group of students.  I am very proud of all of you!  It is so nice to hear that you all are continuing to develop a reputation for being kind and respectful people.

Grade 3

Math - p.77 & 78 (due tomorrow)

Health - Decode message from comic #2 (due tomorrow)

Social Studies - Quiz Thursday

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (Wednesday)

Grade 4

Math - p.77 & 78 (due tomorrow)

Health - Decode message from comic #2 (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive.  Thank you for all that have donated!!

-Photo orders due October 29th (Wednesday)

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 17 October 2014

Friday October 17, 2014

Grade 3

-Please sign into "Educreations" tonight if you have not already to make sure you can watch the online videos.

- Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

-Social Studies - Quiz on Thursday October 23rd

Health - Please decode the Power4bones message from comic 2 (due Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)  A big thank you to those who have already brought in donations!

Grade 4

-Please sign into "Educreations" tonight if you have not already to make sure you can watch the online videos.

- Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

-Science - Complete Pros/Cons page (due Monday)

Health - Please decode the Power4bones message from comic 2 (due Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)  A big thank you to those who have already brought in donations!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Thursday October 16, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Since we took time in class today to make sure everyone was signed up for "Educreations", I would like everyone to please go on tonight and make sure that they can log in from home.  Please make sure that you can log in and that you can watch the video lessons.  Most of you have the same username and password that you use here at school and for Google Drive.

Grade 3

-Please sign into "Educreations" tonight.  See the steps above for how to do this.

- Literacy - Spelling Quiz tomorrow

-Social Studies - Quiz on Thursday October 23rd

Health - Please decode the Power4bones message from comic 2 (due Next Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)  A big thank you to those who have already brought in donations!

Grade 4

-Please sign into "Educreations" tonight.  See the steps above for how to do this.

- Literacy - Spelling Quiz tomorrow

-Science - Complete Opinions page (due tomorrow)

Health - Please decode the Power4bones message from comic 2 (due Next Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)  A big thank you to those who have already brought in donations!

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Wednesday October 15, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

I would like everyone tonight to please go to the following link and sign up for "Educreations" which is the program that should allow you to watch our online lessons.  If you have any issues, please don't worry, you can simply let me know.  I am hoping this will work!  :)

Please follow the following steps:

1.  Go to

2.  Sign up for our class  (You may need the following code....BXYTUMM....make sure you use capital letters).  When you sign up, put in your first name and last initial ONLY!

3.  See if you can watch our videos from today.

Grade 3

-Please sign up for "Educreations" tonight.  See the steps above for how to do this.

- Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

- Health - Please decode the Power4bones message from comic 2 (due Next Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

Grade 4

-Please sign up for "Educreations" tonight.  See the steps above for how to do this.

- Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

Health - Please decode the Power4bones message from comic 2 (due Next Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Monday October 14, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend!

Grade 3

Literacy - Complete your 3 arguments for the thesis you came up with in class today (due tomorrow).

Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

Art - Skyscraper Assignment (due Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

Grade 4

Literacy - Complete your 3 arguments for the thesis you came up with in class today (due tomorrow).

Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

Art - Skyscraper Assignment (due Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 10 October 2014

Friday October 10, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

I know that some people have been having a hard time with Google Classroom while working from home.  It is important that we try our best to make sure that we are able to access it because I am hoping to be able to do more assignments this way.  If there are ever any times where it is not working for you because your computer is not working properly, or for any other reason, please try your best to complete the assignment on paper.  You can call a friend if you need to in order to find out what the assignment is, if you don't already know.  If you can't get it done, please just have your parents write a note explaining.

There is no homework for the weekend.  I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving with your families.  We all have a lot to be thankful for.  I am thankful for my class this year.  You are a great group of students!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Instructions for logging into Google Drive & Google Classroom

Google Drive

  1. Go to

  1. Click on the “number pad” looking icon/symbol.  

  1. Choose “Drive”.

  1. Sign in with your email (ex.  Your password is the same password that you have for the computers at school.  the numbers in your gapps email are your username numbers from the computers at school.

  1. It may now bring you to another log in page.  Simply type in your username and password from the computers at school.  Do not put

  1. You should now be in google drive.  If they bring you to any other screens you may need to click “okay” or “no thanks” or something like that.  If you still can’t get there then please go back to Google and try logging in again.  

Google Classroom

  1. Go to

  1. If you have not logged in before then click “student”.  Then click “Join a Class” which is the “+” sign at the top of the page.  You will then need to plug in the code for our classes.  

  1. Our class codes are as follows:

-Social Studies….dbkrze0

  1. You should now have all of our classes on the homepage when you log into Google Classroom.

  1. Click on the class that you want and you will find your assignments there.

To Complete Assignments on Google Classroom

  1. Click on the class/subject that you need

  1. Click on the assignment.

  1. Click “Create” and choose “Document”

  1. Click on the Document created and this will take you to a Google Drive file where you can complete the assignment.

  1. After you have submitted assignments you will eventually be able to see my comments if I make any.

Wednesday October 8, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

I will not be at school tomorrow and will not be able to post on the blog, so please make sure that you copy down your homework from the board.  Thank you!

Here is tonight's homework.

Grade 3

Literacy - Please complete the "Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" question under "Literacy" on Google Classroom.  Please see the blog instructions for how to log on if you forget.  Make sure you submit the assignment please. (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

Art - Skyscraper Assignment (due next Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

Grade 4

Literacy - Please complete the "Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" question under "Literacy" on Google Classroom.  Please see the blog instructions for how to log on if you forget.  Make sure you submit the assignment please. (due tomorrow)

Science - Please complete the middle column only from your minerals sheet.  I would like you to come up with as many uses for each mineral as possible.  You will work on the last column tomorrow.  (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

Art - Skyscraper Assignment (due next Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Tuesday October 7, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

It was so nice to see everyone dressed in blue today in support of "Anti-Bully Day".

I would like to encourage everyone to tell their parents about what we have been working on in our writing.  You can tell them all about how we are using prompts to help us freewrite, and how our freewriting is allowing us to develop new ideas for our writing topics.  I am very happy with the job everyone has been doing with their writing!

Grade 3

Math - page 70 & 72 (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Grammar page - Lesson #10 (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

Art - Skyscraper Assignment (due next Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

-Lego Club starts tomorrow for those who are participating.  It is held at lunchtime.

Grade 4

Math - page 70 & 72 - photocopied page (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Grammar page - Lesson #10 (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

Art - Skyscraper Assignment (due next Wednesday)

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

-Lego Club starts tomorrow for those who are participating.  It is held at lunchtime.

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Monday, 6 October 2014

Monday October 6, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please remember that tomorrow is "Anti-Bully Awareness Day".  Please come tomorrow dressed in something blue to show your support for this very important day.

Grade 3

-Where blue tomorrow for Anti-Bully Day.

Literacy - Grammar page - Declarative & Interrogative Sentences (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

Grade 4

-Where blue tomorrow for Anti-Bully Day.

Literacy - Grammar page - Declarative & Interrogative Sentences (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Spelling Quiz Friday

-"We Scare Hunger" food drive.  All donations are very much appreciated :)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 3 October 2014

Friday October 3, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

It was really nice to see everyone last night at Meet the Teacher Night.  I enjoy getting to know your families better.  :)

Please remember that Monday is picture day.

I was very excited to see everyone generating ideas through writing today, even if I was embarrassed that you all wanted to write about me!  You did a great job though :)   Make sure that you share with your parents all that you have been learning in class about generating ideas and adding more detail to your writing.

The only homework you have for the weekend is as follows:

Grade 3 & 4

-Friday Folders signed and returned (due Monday)

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Thursday October 2, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

I hope to see you all at Meet the Teacher Night tonight!

Please remember that tomorrow you have a spelling quiz and a math test.

Grade 3

Math - Test tomorrow.  Study the double sided page I photocopied for you.  This has the Review on one side, and the Chapter Task on the other side.  There will be math help at recess tomorrow, but please feel free to come to me before then if you have any questions.

Literacy - Spelling quiz tomorrow.  List is on right hand side of this page.

Science - Please remember to bring in your glass jars!  We are waiting on a lot.  You won't be able to do the fun activities Ms. Brown has in store without one.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive is on in the month of October.  We would appreciate any non-perishable food items.

Grade 4

Math - Test tomorrow.  Study the double sided page I photocopied for you.  This has the Review on one side, and the Chapter Task on the other side.  There will be math help at recess tomorrow, but please feel free to come to me before then if you have any questions.

Literacy - Spelling quiz tomorrow.  List is on right hand side of this page.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive is on in the month of October.  We would appreciate any non-perishable food items.

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Wednesday October 1, 2014

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Meet the Teacher Night.  I have given you very little homework tonight so that you can study for your math test and your spelling quiz.  Please make sure that you take time tonight to prepare for these, because you may not have a lot of time tomorrow night if you come to Meet the Teacher Night.....which I hope you all do :)

Also, no one came today for math help, so I am expecting that there will be a lot of great marks on the math test!

Grade 3

Math - Test on Friday.  Study the double sided page I photocopied for you.  This has the Review on one side, and the Chapter Task on the other side.  There will be math help at recess tomorrow, but please feel free to come to me before then if you have any questions.

Literacy - Please complete the good copy of you Success Essay (There are a few of you whom I am still waiting on)  - Due

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.  List is on right hand side of this page.

Science - Predictions page (due tomorrow)

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive is on in the month of October.  We would appreciate any non-perishable food items.

Meet the Teacher Night is this tomorrow- October 2nd.  I look forward to hopefully meeting all of your parents.

Grade 4

Math - Test on Friday.  Study the double sided page I photocopied for you.  This has the Review on one side, and the Chapter Task on the other side.  There will be math help at recess tomorrow, but please feel free to come to me before then if you have any questions.

Literacy - Please complete the good copy of you Success Essay (There are a few of you whom I am still waiting on)  - Due

Literacy - Spelling quiz Friday.  List is on right hand side of this page.

-We Scare Hunger Food Drive is on in the month of October.  We would appreciate any non-perishable food items.

Meet the Teacher Night is this tomorrow- October 2nd.  I look forward to hopefully meeting all of your parents.

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr