Thursday, 22 December 2016

Thursday December 22, 2016

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Tomorrow is pajama day.  We will also have our Christmas/Holiday celebration tomorrow.  Thank you to everyone who is planning on bringing food.  It is also not too late to bring in your Secret Santa gift.

Please remember that you can get updates on what we have accomplished throughout the week on our Twitter account.  The link is  (you may need to copy and paste the link into your web browser in order to access the page).

Tonight's homework is as follows:

Secret Santa - Many students have asked if we can do Secret Santa this year, and the answer is a big YES :)  The rules are as follows....
-$5 max gift
-Participation is optional
-Your gift must be wrapped.
-All gifts need to be at the school on Wednesday December 21st.
-We will do a gift steal.  If you want to do a "gag" gift, that is fine, but please make sure it is appropriate.

Christmas/Holiday Party - There is a sign up sheet on Google Classroom (Literacy) for our party on the afternoon of the 23rd (Friday).  If you would like to bring in food or drink, please sign up on the sheet.  Some people may want to bring a dish, and that is fine, BUT IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT ALL FOODS ARE  NUT FREE.  WE HAVE SEVERE ALLERGIES IN OUR CLASS SO THIS IS TAKEN VERY, VERY SERIOUSLY.

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

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