Monday, 13 November 2017

Monday November 13, 2017

Good evening everyone!

Please find your homework below.

Math - page 131 #8.  You can solve it however you would like.  You do not have to use the chart.  As a bonus, I would like you to try and find 2 different equations that would work for the sequence.  (Due tomorrow)

Friday Folders- Please make sure they are signed and returned.  Thank you.  (Due Monday)

Literacy - Please have all 5 of your articles read.  Please also complete the individual reflections for each article.  (Due Wednesday)

Literacy - Good copies of your letters are due Thursday.  Please remember to write them by hand, unless you have received permission from me ahead of time. (Due Thursday)

Feedback Duotangs - This is not homework, but please be reminded to constantly be reflecting on the information in your feedback duotangs so that you can work to improve/continue to improve in those areas.

Literacy - Please make sure you have completed your individual reflection sheet for the first 4 articles.  (Due tomorrow)

History - Please complete question #3 on your question sheet (Due tomorrow)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

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