Monday, 28 January 2019

Monday January 28, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Attention Parents
A note has gone home informing students and parents of assignments which are still late.  Please make sure to get these assignments in ASAP.  As discussed in class, I will not be accepting these late tasks online.  Students are now responsible to come and either hand me the assignment in person, or arrange a time to review it with me in person.  Thank you.

As well, a few assignments were returned to students along with their marks.  Students are expected to share these marks with parents/guardians. 

I am still missing the following assignments from some students.  Please make sure these have been submitted and/or shared.

1. Acadians arguments
2. Political cartoon
3. Dance (Monster Mash) along with written reflection
4. Dance research task
5. DRA booklet (this should be in your portfolio)
6. Inspire yourself letter
7. Substance abuse research task
8. Greatest Showman Assignment
9.  War of 1812 Task

Science - Blueprints are due  before you can start building.

Literacy - Stress & Anxiety good copy.  For more feedback please feel free to arrange a time to sit down with me.  (due Thursday)

Literacy - Poetic Elements task on Google Classroom (Due tomorrow)

History - Please complete questions 3 & 5 (Due next Tuesday)

Math - p.94 & 95 #6 & 7...for creating the charts, go to "Insert" and then "charts" at the top of the page.  (Due tomorrow)

Vivian Forms - Our trip is Wednesday.  Please return your permission forms ASAP.  Thank you.  Please come dressed to the weather.  It looks like it will be very cold.  Please bring lots of layers, extra socks, etc..

Mr. Carr (this email is only to be used for sharing documents on Google Drive) 

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