Ticket are available for the school musical this week. Please let Mr. Carr know if you would like tickets :) They are free!
Literacy - Please complete at least 2 examples of figurative language. The definitions can be reviewed on Google Classroom. (Due)
Literacy - Gratitude text - Please make sure this has been submitted. It is late. Thank you. (Due )
French - Cahier (Due Friday)
Literacy - Literature Circle Session #1 (Due Thursday)
Guidance - Career Fair Task (Due)
French - Cahier (Due Friday)
Literacy - Literature Circle Session #1 (Due Thursday)
Guidance - Career Fair Task (Due)
Science - Mini heat project (Due Thursday)
Grade 8 Pay it Forward Drive - The grade 8's are collecting gently used clothes and shoes for the Salvation Army. This is a tradition of the grade 8 graduating class. Any donations are greatly appreciated, and it is an initiative that you can look forward to being a part of next year. :) Thank you to all who have donated already :)
Have a great evening,
Mr. Carr
jonathan.carr@gapps.yrdsb.ca (Please only use this email for sharing documents on Google Drive.)