Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Tuesday April 2, 2019

Good evening everyone,

Attention Parents
The following are 3 videos we watched today in class on internet safety.  I strongly recommend all students to re-watch each with their families and discuss.  Regardless, I felt parents would likely appreciate being able to see these.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jMhMVEjEQg (Coby Persin - online predators and how easily kids get lured...girl version)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4sHoDW8QU4 (Coby Persin - online predators and how easily kids get lured...boy version)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg-LhgZLB8M (Coby Persin - the dangers of Snapchat)

Geography - Landforms charts (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Please complete the planning template for your Gratitude Texts (Due Thursday)

Literacy - In class we examined all we have learned this year about accomplishing our personal best.  Please answer the following questions.  I expect to see evidence that you have given a lot of deep, meaningful thought to these questions....(Due Thursday)

1.  What makes me want to practice all that I've learned about accomplishing my personal best?
2.  What would make me more excited about practicing what I've learned?  

Grade 8 Pay it Forward Drive - The grade 8's are collecting gently used clothes and shoes for the Salvation Army.  This is a tradition of the grade 8 graduating class.  Any donations are greatly appreciated, and it is an initiative that you can look forward to being a part of next year. :)

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr

jonathan.carr@gapps.yrdsb.ca (Please only use this email for sharing documents on Google Drive.)

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