Friday, 26 February 2021

Friday February 26, 2021

  Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - For the Healthy Eating Research assignment we did today (Friday) in class, please complete notes in your tracking documents from at least one resource on slide 15.  Some may have decided to add on to their research from the Healthy Eating Art assignment...if you did this, that is completely fine :)  (Due Tuesday)

Science- Lesson 11.6 - Structural Failure (Due Tuesday)

Geography- Please complete question all of the questions for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  You will have a period on March 5th to work on this.  The question document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  (Due March 12)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  (Due March 3rd)

Music - 1 Song, 3 Versions Assignment.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Drama - Monologue Task.  This will be due on March 15th.  You will have three periods to work on it (February 22nd, March 1st & March 8th).  Due March 15th.

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Thursday February 25, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Phys Ed - Complete journal reflection for February 24th (Due)

Science- Lesson 11.6 - Structural Failure (Due Tuesday)

Geography- Please complete question 3 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The question document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  (Due tomorrow)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  (Due March 3rd)

Music - 1 Song, 3 Versions Assignment.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Drama - Monologue Task.  This will be due on March 15th.  You will have three periods to work on it (February 22nd, March 1st & March 8th).  Due March 15th.

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Wednesday February 24, 2021

  Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Language - It is recommended that you complete your Spoken Word poems that you worked on today.  I have really enjoyed listening to your writing!  (Due tomorrow)

Phys Ed - Complete journal reflection for February 24th (Due tomorrow)

Science- Lesson 11.4 - Making Structures Strong (Due tomorrow)

Geography- Please complete question 3 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The question document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  (Due Friday)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due Thursday).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  (Due March 3rd)

Music - 1 Song, 3 Versions Assignment.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Drama - Monologue Task.  This will be due on March 15th.  You will have three periods to work on it (February 22nd, March 1st & March 8th).  Due March 15th.

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Tuesday February 23, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Language- Please add your notes and thinking to your tracking documents for the 2 VIDEOS we watched today in class on Healthy Eating (Video #3 & #4 in the Slideshow).  (Due).

Math- Continuous Data Lesson.  Please complete the questions assigned.  You will have 20 more minutes on Tuesday to work on these (Due tomorrow).

Science- Lesson 11.4 - Making Structures Strong (Due Thursday)

Geography- Please complete question 3 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The question document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  (Due Friday)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due Thursday).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  (Due March 3rd)

Music - 1 Song, 3 Versions Assignment.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Drama - Monologue Task.  This will be due on March 15th.  You will have three periods to work on it (February 22nd, March 1st & March 8th).  Due March 15th.

Pink Shirt Day - Is Wednesday February 24th.  Please don't worry if you don't have a pink shirt.  This is about recognizing the reasons for why we could where a pink shirt on this day :)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Monday, 22 February 2021

Monday February 22, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Language- Please add your notes and thinking to your tracking documents for the 2 VIDEOS we watched today in class on Healthy Eating (Video #3 & #4 in the Slideshow).  (Due).

Math- Continuous Data Lesson.  Please complete the questions assigned.  You will have 20 more minutes on Tuesday to work on these (Due Wednesday).

Geography- Please complete question 3 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The question document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  (Due Friday)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 25th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  (Due March 3rd)

Music - 1 Song, 3 Versions Assignment.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Drama - Monologue Task.  This will be due on March 15th.  You will have three periods to work on it (February 22nd, March 1st & March 8th).  Due March 15th.

Pink Shirt Day - Is Wednesday February 24th.  Please don't worry if you don't have a pink shirt.  This is about recognizing the reasons for why we could where a pink shirt on this day :)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 19 February 2021

Friday February 19, 2021

Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Language- Please add your notes and thinking to your tracking documents for the 2 VIDEOS we watched today in class on Healthy Eating (Video #3 & #4 in the Slideshow).  (Due Monday).

Phys Ed - February 19th reflection prompt (Due Monday)

Please complete question 3 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The question document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  (Due Friday February 26th)

Drama- Monologue Task.  For next day, please have the person that you will impersonate chosen.  That is all that is due...just choose who you will impersonate.  (Due Monday February 22nd)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 25th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  (Due March 3rd)

Music - 1 Song, 3 Versions Assignment.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Drama - Monologue Task.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Pink Shirt Day - Is Wednesday February 24th.  Please don't worry if you don't have a pink shirt.  This is about recognizing the reasons for why we could where a pink shirt on this day :)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Thursday February 18, 2021

   Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Language- Please add your notes and thinking to your tracking documents for the 2 VIDEOS we watched today in class on Healthy Eating.  (Due tomorrow).

Please complete questions 1 & 2 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The questions document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  These two questions will be due next week. (Due Friday)

Drama- Monologue Task.  For next day, please have the person that you will impersonate chosen.  That is all that is due...just choose who you will impersonate.  (Due Monday February 22nd)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 25th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  (Due March 3rd)

Music - 1 Song, 3 Versions Assignment.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Drama - Monologue Task.  This will be due on March 8th.  You will have two periods to work on it (February 22nd & March 1st).  Due March 8th.

Pink Shirt Day - Is Wednesday February 24th.  Please don't worry if you don't have a pink shirt.  This is about recognizing the reasons for why we could where a pink shirt on this day :)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Wednesday February 17, 2021

  Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Math - Please complete Lesson #5 - Bias in Data Representation.  (Due tomorrow).

Please complete questions 1 & 2 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The questions document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  These two questions will be due next week. (Due Friday)

Drama- Monologue Task.  For next day, please have the person that you will impersonate chosen.  That is all that is due...just choose who you will impersonate.  (Due Tuesday February 23rd)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 25th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  (Due March 3rd)

Pink Shirt Day - Is Wednesday February 24th.  Please don't worry if you don't have a pink shirt.  This is about recognizing the reasons for why we could where a pink shirt on this day :)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Tuesday February 16, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....


Please complete questions 1 & 2 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The questions document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  These two questions will be due next week. (Due Friday February 19th)

Drama- Monologue Task.  For next day, please have the person that you will impersonate chosen.  That is all that is due...just choose who you will impersonate.  (Due Tuesday February 23rd)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 25th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due March 3rd)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 12 February 2021

Friday February 12, 2021

Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....


Science - 11.2 - Making Structures Strong (The Beam) is due Tuesday.  In our next class, we will correct the answers to these questions, as well as 11.1 - Stability of Structures. (Due Tuesday).

Please complete questions 1 & 2 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The questions document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  These two questions will be due next week (Friday February 19th)

Drama- Monologue Task.  For next day, please have the person that you will impersonate chosen.  That is all that is due...just choose who you will impersonate.  (Due Tuesday February 23rd)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 25th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due March 3rd)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Thursday February 11, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Instructions for Today (Thursday February 11th)


1) Write a Spoken Word

Please write a Spoken Word Poem on any topic that you want.  Please focus on practicing all that we have learned about Spoken Word….

Identify a reason for writing (to express opinion, share thoughts/ideas, explore an idea and see what you discover, to reflect on a topic/idea, etc.)

Add descriptive details to your writing.  Remember, it should be VERY descriptive! 

Add poetic elements.  You can choose which to use (Rhyme, repetition, metaphor, etc.)

Please remember that all resources and past lessons are found in the Spoken Word Google Slides presentation.  It can be found under “Today” on Google Classroom.

This task will be due tomorrow.

2) Passion Projects

If you complete your Spoken Word, please feel free to spend time learning on your Passion Projects

Please use this time to complete the “Organizing Data in Graphs” Lesson.  Yesterday we worked on part 1.  Today you can work on part 2.  This will NOT be due tomorrow.  I will provide 30 minutes in tomorrow’s class for you to continue working on it, practicing, and asking questions.

Please complete questions 1 & 2 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The questions document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  These two questions will be due next week (February 19th)

Phys Ed
Today for Phys Ed, you can choose an activity of your choice.  You can either choose a video from under “Phys Ed” on Google Classroom, or you can choose another exercise which aligns with your interests.  There is no reflection question for today.  

Last Period
PLEASE NOTE… You DO NOT have French today.  You would usually have it today, but you will have it tomorrow instead.  You can use the last period of the day as a work period to complete any work that you could use time to work on.

Please find your homework below....


Science - 11.2 - Making Structures Strong (The Beam) is due Tuesday.  In our next class, we will correct the answers to these questions, as well as 11.1 - Stability of Structures. (Due Tuesday).

Please complete questions 1 & 2 for the “Rivers/Water Systems” assignment.  The questions document is the last link found at the bottom of the assignment on Google Classroom.  These two questions will be due next week (Friday February 19th)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 25th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Wednesday February 10, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - Spoken Word from today's class is due tomorrow.  Since we had a lot of time to work on it in class today, I would encourage you to spend time in your homework just finalizing your work.  This should not require a lot of time in homework.  (Due tomorrow).

Literacy- Your letters are due on Thursday.  You will be given another class on Tuesday (the 9th) to work on this.  You can let me know if you need an extension. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU NEED PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET, OR BEFORE SENDING A LETTER TO SOMEONE.  (Due tomorrow)

Science - 11.2 - Making Structures Strong (The Beam) is due Tuesday.  In our next class, we will correct the answers to these questions, as well as 11.1 - Stability of Structures. (Due Tuesday).

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 25th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Tuesday February 9, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Literacy- Your letters are due on Thursday.  You will be given another class on Tuesday (the 9th) to work on this.  You can let me know if you need an extension. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU NEED PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET, OR BEFORE SENDING A LETTER TO SOMEONE.  (Due Thursday)

Science - 11.1 - Stability of Structures (Due tomorrow)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 18th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Monday, 8 February 2021

Monday February 8, 2021

   Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Math - Please complete questions for L.2 - Organizing Data in Tables & Graphs (due tomorrow)

Literacy- Your letters are due on Thursday.  You will be given another class on Tuesday (the 9th) to work on this.  You can let me know if you need an extension. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU NEED PARENT PERMISSION BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET, OR BEFORE SENDING A LETTER TO SOMEONE.  (Due Thursday)

Science - 11.1 - Stability of Structures (Due Wednesday)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 18th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 5 February 2021

Friday February 5, 2021

  Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - For tomorrow, please have the following prepared for your letter...

1. Who you will write to.

2. Why you will write to them.

3.  How you will write to them (the format you will use...remember to be creative & strategic!).  You can use the Jambaord & rubric attached on Google Classroom to help you. (Due)

Literacy - Please complete the following from class today.  As we discussed, you can choose any of these options to complete...

1.  Finish writing down your thoughts from the Spoken Word prompts (From the Black Excellence videos).

2. "Spice up" your Spoken Word by adding in poetic strategies we have learned (i.e., repetition, rhyme, metaphor, descriptive language, etc.)

3.  You can do both 1 & 2 if you would like :)


Literacy- Your letters are due on Thursday.  You will be given another class on Tuesday to work on this.  You can let me know if you need an extension. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU NEED PARENT PERMISSION BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET, OR BEFORE SENDING A LETTER TO SOMEONE.  (Due Thursday)

Science - 11.1 - Stability of Structures (Due Wednesday February 10th)

Music - Lesson #3 - Reading Music & Pitch (Due)

Drama - Implied Messages & Body Image Task.  Please complete the following reflection.....Create 2-3 action steps that you feel are important for students your age to take in order to develop a healthy body image.  Please share your thoughts in the private comments for this assignment. (Due)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 17th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Thursday February 4, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Please note - There are a lot of assignments due tomorrow.  While I know that a lot of class time has been provided to complete these tasks, I will provide you with 2 periods tomorrow (Friday February 5th) to get anything completed that you have not been able to.

Literacy - For tomorrow, please have the following prepared for your letter...

1. Who you will write to.

2. Why you will write to them.

3.  How you will write to them (the format you will use...remember to be creative & strategic!).  You can use the Jambaord & rubric attached on Google Classroom to help you. (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - Please complete the following from class today.  As we discussed, you can choose any of these options to complete...

1.  Finish writing down your thoughts from the Spoken Word prompts (From the Black Excellence videos).

2. "Spice up" your Spoken Word by adding in poetic strategies we have learned (i.e., repetition, rhyme, metaphor, descriptive language, etc.)

3.  You can do both 1 & 2 if you would like :)

(Due tomorrow)

Science - 11.1 - Stability of Structures (Due Wednesday February 10th)

Music - Lesson #3 - Reading Music & Pitch (Due tomorrow)

Drama - Implied Messages & Body Image Task.  Please complete the following reflection.....Create 2-3 action steps that you feel are important for students your age to take in order to develop a healthy body image.  Please share your thoughts in the private comments for this assignment. (Due tomorrow)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 17th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Wednesday February 3, 2021

  Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Literacy - For Friday, please have the following prepared for your letter...

1. Who you will write to.

2. Why you will write to them.

3.  How you will write to them (the format you will use...remember to be creative & strategic!).  You can use the Jambaord & rubric attached on Google Classroom to help you. (Due Friday)

Math - Ch.7 Test (Due tomorrow)

Science - 11.1 - Stability of Structures (Due Wednesday February 10th)

Music - Lesson #3 - Reading Music & Pitch (Due Friday)

Drama - Implied Messages & Body Image Task.  Please complete the following reflection.....Create 2-3 action steps that you feel are important for students your age to take in order to develop a healthy body image.  Please share your thoughts in the private comments for this assignment. (Due Friday)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 17th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Tuesday February 2, 2021

   Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Math - Ch.7 Test (Due Thursday)

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Science - Check in task (due tomorrow)

Music - Lesson #3 - Reading Music & Pitch (Due Friday)

Drama - Implied Messages & Body Image Task.  Please complete the following reflection.....Create 2-3 action steps that you feel are important for students your age to take in order to develop a healthy body image.  Please share your thoughts in the private comments for this assignment. (Due Friday)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr