Thursday, 4 February 2021

Thursday February 4, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

Please note - There are a lot of assignments due tomorrow.  While I know that a lot of class time has been provided to complete these tasks, I will provide you with 2 periods tomorrow (Friday February 5th) to get anything completed that you have not been able to.

Literacy - For tomorrow, please have the following prepared for your letter...

1. Who you will write to.

2. Why you will write to them.

3.  How you will write to them (the format you will use...remember to be creative & strategic!).  You can use the Jambaord & rubric attached on Google Classroom to help you. (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - Please complete the following from class today.  As we discussed, you can choose any of these options to complete...

1.  Finish writing down your thoughts from the Spoken Word prompts (From the Black Excellence videos).

2. "Spice up" your Spoken Word by adding in poetic strategies we have learned (i.e., repetition, rhyme, metaphor, descriptive language, etc.)

3.  You can do both 1 & 2 if you would like :)

(Due tomorrow)

Science - 11.1 - Stability of Structures (Due Wednesday February 10th)

Music - Lesson #3 - Reading Music & Pitch (Due tomorrow)

Drama - Implied Messages & Body Image Task.  Please complete the following reflection.....Create 2-3 action steps that you feel are important for students your age to take in order to develop a healthy body image.  Please share your thoughts in the private comments for this assignment. (Due tomorrow)

Visual Arts - Healthy Eating Art Task.  You will be given 4 periods to work on this.  (Due February 17th).

History  - War of 1812 Task.  You will have 3 classes to work on this.  (Due February 24th)

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

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