Monday, 14 June 2021

Tuesday June 15, 2021

 Good evening, everyone!

Sometimes you complete your work in class, please see below for ideas on what to do when you complete :)

What you can work on when you complete your work...

1.  Review past work, study & ask for help if needed.

2.  Read silently

3.  Work on homework.

4.  Continue with Passion Project research.

5.  Take a break and refresh your mind by getting off the computer.

6. Go on "My Pathway Planner" (see Guidance section on Google Classroom for more info).

Please find your homework below....

2SLGBTQI+ Community - Please see THIS LINK for more information on the GSA community that was shared in class.  Please always remember that you can reach out to Mr. Carr for any reason pertaining to this topic, or any others.  I am ALWAYS here to support!

Summer Learning Options - Emails have been sent to families.  Here is the LINK to the independent work you can do if you are not doing summer school, or if you are looking for even more practice.  As always, remember to relax this summer! :)

Diamond Text Reading Submissions - This can be found under today.  If you are interested, please make sure you include the video of you reading (even if you just say "I am a Diamond") and please include the CONSENT FORM.  Thanks!!  (Due)

Language - Political Cartoons are due Monday.  You will have Wednesday, Thursday & Friday to complete them.  Please remember to complete the graphic organizers as well.  You are welcome to create multiple political cartoons, but you only need to complete the graphic organizer for your first political cartoon you created.  Please use the Google Slides presentation to remind you of all that we have learned so that you can complete this assignment as effectively as possible.  HAVE FUN!  (Due Monday)

Science - Please complete the first 3 questions for the "Hot & Cold" task.  (Due)

History - British Leadership Assignment due June 25th (Friday).  To simplify this can do this assignment however you see fit.  The only expectations are that you explain your ideas about British leadership using details from our lessons throughout the year.  This is an assignment about THINKING DEEPLY and CREATING YOUR OWN THOUGHTS and EXPLAINING THOSE THOUGHTS.  Make sure you are prepared for our class discussion.  Make sure you are prepared to submit your thoughts - again, thoughts can be recorded and shared in any manner that works best for you :)  (Due Friday June 25th)

Talent Show - Please be prepared to share anything that you would like to for our talent show which we will have in June.  You do not need to share anything, but we would love everyone to feel comfortable to share anything they like.  Thank you to those students who have come up with this idea!  This will be fun! :)  Please send any videos that you would like shared to Mr. Carr.  You can share them on Google Drive.  If you prefer, you can also perform something live for the class.

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

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