Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Wednesday December 15, 2021

 Hello everyone!

Please find tonight's homework below....

Food Drive - Until December 15th, we are collecting non-perishable food items for families who are in need.  Thank you for donating to this very important initiative!

Candy Gram Fundraiser - All donations are going to Southlake Hospital.  Runs until December 14th.  $1 each or $5 for 6.

Travelling Outside of Canada - If you or your family are planning to leave Canada over the winter break, please have your family contact the office to let them know.  There is a manadatory self-isolation period that is required after trips outside of the country.  Please contact the office if you have any questions.  Please also feel free to contact Mr. Carr and he will do his best to find out the answers to any questions.

Literacy - On slides 11 & 12 of THIS SLIDESHOW are the practice reading texts.  Please read each text OUT LOUD twice per night.  Remember...becoming a fluent reader is like becoming a fluent singer.  You practice familiar texts so that you know what good reading feels & sounds like.  This allows you to read a variety of texts with greater precision & skill.  (Practice each night).

Science - Invasive Species 4B Assignment is due on Wednesday December 15th.  (Due tomorrow)

Health - Attitude Assignment is due on December 16th.  You will have one more period on December 9th to work on it.  (Due tomorrow).

Math - It is expected that you are reviewing your multiplication tables (1-11) on a regular basis.  Your goal should be to be getting 100% on our practice quizzes by March...but hopefully sooner :)  I know you can all do it!

Extra Resources to Support Your Learning

Homework Checklist- If you are having a hard time getting your homework completed, THIS CHECKLIST can help.  A copy of it is also found under "Important Information" on Google Classroom.

Math Extra Practice - There are a series of lessons under the "Math" section of Google Classroom.  The title is Extra Math Support.

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

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