Friday, 30 September 2022

Friday September 30, 2022

 Good evening, everyone!

Bill Crothers Secondary School Info Night - If you are interested in attending Bill Crothers SS, please se THIS FLYER for the upcoming info nights.  

Math - Our Unit #1 (Integers) Test will be on Wednesday October 5th.  Here are recommendations for preparing for the test... (Test Wednesday)

*Go through the Jamboard & make sure you can complete each question.

*Go through each lesson, and all practice questions, and make sure you can do each question.

*Use your notebooks to review work we completed in class.

*Come see Mr. Carr at morning recesses if you need extra support.  ASKING FOR HELP IS NEVER WEAK, IT'S WISE :)

Literacy - The "Synthesis Task" from our Attitude Research Unit is now due.  Please make sure it is attached to Attitude Research on Google Classroom.  If you did your work on paper, no problem!  Please just let me know in the private comments of the assignment that you did your work on paper.  Thanks!  (Due - late)

Science - Please complete the chart in step #4 of Task #2 - Structures & Functions within Plant & Animal Cells.  This is the chart that requires you to use the textbook.  Since you don't have the textbook at home, you can complete the last questions by doing research through Google.  (Due Tuesday)

Art - Please complete Task #1 - Rhythm & Movement (Due Wednesday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Thursday September 29, 2022

 Good evening, everyone!

Orange Shirt Day - Is tomorrow.  We wear shirts as a significant portion of the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation.  We will be doing learning in class related to this important day. 

Math - Our Unit #1 (Integers) Test will be on Wednesday October 5th.  Here are recommendations for preparing for the test... (Test Wednesday)

*Go through the Jamboard & make sure you can complete each question.

*Go through each lesson, and all practice questions, and make sure you can do each question.

*Use your notebooks to review work we completed in class.

*Come see Mr. Carr at morning recesses if you need extra support.  ASKING FOR HELP IS NEVER WEAK, IT'S WISE :)

Literacy - The "Synthesis Task" from our Attitude Research Unit is due tomorrow.  Please make sure it is attached to Attitude Research on Google Classroom.  If you did your work on paper, no problem!  Please just let me know in the private comments of the assignment that you did your work on paper.  Thanks!  (Due tomorrow)

Art - Please complete Task #1 - Rhythm & Movement (Due Wednesday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Wednesday September 28, 2022

Good evening, everyone!

Terry Fox Run - Is Thursday September 29th @ 9:30am.  A note has gone home to families.  Please feel free to bring in a "Twoonie for Terry".  We are raising money for cancer research.  If you have a parent or family member who would like to volunteer for the day, please let me know :)

Orange Shirt Day - Is on Friday.  We wear shirts as a significant portion of the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation.  There will be learning going on in the classroom both Thursday & Friday.  

Start Up Forms - ...This white box is a link to the forms that were emailed to families.  It is important that you ask your family to fill them out as soon as possible.  These are the start up forms for the school year.  Thank you! :)  (Due ASAP)

Math - Please complete the questions we did in class today for "Lesson #4 - Order of Operations (BEDMAS).  (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - The "Synthesis Task" from our Attitude Research Unit is due Friday.  (Due Friday)

Art - Please complete Task #1 - Rhythm & Movement (Due Wednesday October 5th)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Tuesday September 27, 2022

 Good evening, everyone!

Terry Fox Run - Is Thursday September 29th @ 9:30am.  A note has gone home to families.  Please feel free to bring in a "Twoonie for Terry".  We are raising money for cancer research.  If you have a parent or family member who would like to volunteer for the day, please let me know :)

Orange Shirt Day - Is on Friday.  We wear shirts as a significant portion of the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation.  There will be learning going on in the classroom both Thursday & Friday.  

Start Up Forms - ...This white box is a link to the forms that were emailed to families.  It is important that you ask your family to fill them out as soon as possible.  These are the start up forms for the school year.  Thank you! :)  (Due ASAP)

Math - Please complete the questions we did in class today for "Lesson #4 - Order of Operations (BEDMAS).  (Due Thursday)

Literacy - The "Synthesis Task" from our Attitude Research Unit is due Friday.  (Due Friday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Monday, 26 September 2022

Monday September 26, 2022

 Good evening, everyone!

Terry Fox Run - Is Thursday September 29th @ 9:30am.  A note has gone home to families.  Please feel free to bring in a "Twoonie for Terry".  We are raising money for cancer research.  If you have a parent or family member who would like to volunteer for the day, please let me know :)

Start Up Forms - ...This white box is a link to the forms that were emailed to families.  It is important that you ask your family to fill them out as soon as possible.  These are the start up forms for the school year.  Thank you! :)  (Due ASAP)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 22 September 2022

Thursday September 22, 2022

Good evening, everyone!

Terry Fox Run - Is Thursday September 29th @ 9:30am.  A note has gone home to families.  Please feel free to bring in a "Twoonie for Terry".  We are raising money for cancer research.  If you have a parent or family member who would like to volunteer for the day, please let me know :)

Start Up Forms - ...This white box is a link to the forms that were emailed to families.  It is important that you ask your family to fill them out as soon as possible.  These are the start up forms for the school year.  Thank you! :)  (Due ASAP)

Literacy - Please complete your tracking documents for the "Text #3 - Choosing Positive Over Negative", as well as "Text #4 - No Limits".  Please remember that your tracking documents are simply a spot for you to track your thinking on the texts.  You do not need to answer each question or prompt - they are just there to help you get your ideas out.  There is also not a word minimum.  Simply focus on developing thoughts & ideas through deep thinking.  If you have worked hard for 40 minutes, I recommend you stop, because otherwise you may go on forever, and you need a break :)  (Due Monday)

History - Please complete the first two questions on Task #1 - The British North America Act.  The questions are below.... (Due Monday)

What was the purpose of the British North America Act (Constitutional Act)?

As a result of carefully reading this article, explain 2-3 things that you learned, realized and/or discovered about our country.  Hint… you may want to focus on things you find surprising or confusing. 

Science - Please complete Task #1 - Cell Theory.  Most of you would have finished this in class as you had class time to complete.  (Due Monday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Wednesday September 21, 2022

 Good evening, everyone!

P.A. Day - We have a P.A. Day on Friday.  As much as I enjoy seeing you, please don't come - I'll be busy :)

Terry Fox Run - Is Thursday September 29th @ 9:30am.  A note has gone home to families.  Please feel free to bring in a "Twoonie for Terry".  We are raising money for cancer research.  If you have a parent or family member who would like to volunteer for the day, please let me know :)

Start Up Forms - ...This white box is a link to the forms that were emailed to families.  It is important that you ask your family to fill them out as soon as possible.  These are the start up forms for the school year.  Thank you! :)  (Due ASAP)

Math - Please complete the questions for Lesson #2 Multiplying Integers.  Links are below...  (Due tomorrow)

  1. Exercises #1, 2, 3

  2. Solutions

Literacy - Please complete your tracking documents for the "Challenge Loop" text, as well as "Text #2 - Finding the Positive".  Please remember that your tracking documents are simply a spot for you to track your thinking on the texts.  You do not need to answer each question or prompt - they are just there to help you get your ideas out.  There is also not a word minimum.  Simply focus on developing thoughts & ideas through deep thinking.  If you have worked hard for 40 minutes, I recommend you stop, because otherwise you may go on forever, and you need a break :)  (Due tomorrow)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Tuesday September 20, 2022

Good evening, everyone!

P.A. Day - We have a P.A. Day on Friday.  As much as I enjoy seeing you, please don't come - I'll be busy :)

Start Up Forms - ...This white box is a link to the forms that were emailed to families.  It is important that you ask your family to fill them out as soon as possible.  These are the start up forms for the school year.  Thank you! :)  (Due ASAP)

Literacy - Please make sure all your journals are attached on Google Classroom.  If you wrote any on paper, please simply write a private comment on Google Classroom to tell me that you did this.  Thank you :)  (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - Please complete the work from THIS SLIDE in our Attitude Unit.  Please remember, do not focus on how many words you write, instead focus on developing as many useful ideas as you possibly can.  (Due tomorrow)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Monday, 19 September 2022

Monday September 19, 2022

Good evening, everyone!

Start Up Forms - ...This white box is a link to the forms that were emailed to families.  It is important that you ask your family to fill them out as soon as possible.  These are the start up forms for the school year.  Thank you! :)  (Due ASAP)

Literacy - Final journal entry is due tomorrow.  Please see expectations for task below... (due tomorrow)

1)  Analyze DEEPLY all of your journals

2)  Examine all the reflections and discoveries that you have made.

3)  FINAL JOURNAL TASK... What have (or can) you  learn about yourself as a result of your journal reflections?  (This can be anything.  Think deeply!)

Some examples may possibly include...

- what you value

- interests

- what's important to you?

- worldviews - how you see the world

- hopes/goals for the future

- it can be anything :)

Reminder of success criteria....

1.  Seek to make connections between the 3 texts using PUSH YOUR THIINKING PROMPTS .

2.  At least 400 words

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 16 September 2022

Friday September 16, 2022

Good evening, everyone!

IMPORTANT!  Please share with your families the discussion we had around gum at school.  To be clear, if you choose to chew gum anywhere at school, especially indoors, you will be cleaning the floor of our classroom, and checking to make sure there is no gum stuck under desks, each night.  You will do this for two weeks.  Please remember, you are grade 8's, and becoming leaders means leading yourselves well.  Leading yourself well involves making wise decisions.  Choosing to break school rules is not wise.  Choosing to chew gum is also disrespectful because it ends up creating a mess that our caretakers are left to clean up.  This is disrespectful, and will not be tolerated.

Start Up Forms - If these forms have not been emailed to your families, please ask the adults in your home to call the office.  They are required to be filled out.  Thank you!! :)

Literacy - Today we read the "Habits" text.  Please review your notes, and use the following prompts to write 400 words.  

What unhelpful habits have you developed in classrooms or other places you spend time in?

What can you begin doing to develop habits that will promote growth that EXCITES you?

Reminder of success criteria....

1.  Seek to make connections between the 3 texts using PUSH YOUR THIINKING PROMPTS .

2.  At least 400 words

3.  Identify anything you are realizing or discovering as a result of using the push your thinking prompts to help you "dig deeper" and reflect while you write.  You can use the "Mike Gartner" example I shared in class as a model of what this can look like.

4.  Please highlight any discoveries you make.  If you can't find any, don't worry, we will get there eventually :)

Math - Please complete the following assingment we started today in class (due Monday)....

    1. Exercises - #1 - 4

    2. Answers & Solutions

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Thursday September 15, 2022

  Good evening, everyone!

Start Up Forms - If these forms have not been emailed to your families, please ask the adults in your home to call the office.  They are required to be filled out.  Thank you!! :)

Literacy - Please complete the reflection on the 3 texts that were read to you today in class (2 Navy Seals texts & the Self-Control text).  Please see success criteria below....(due tomorrow)

1.  Seek to make connections between the 3 texts using PUSH YOUR THIINKING PROMPTS .

2.  At least 400 words

3.  Identify anything you are realizing or discovering as a result of using the push your thinking prompts to help you "dig deeper" and reflect while you write.  You can use the "Mike Gartner" example I shared in class as a model of what this can look like.

4.  Please highlight any discoveries you make.  If you can't find any, don't worry, we will get there eventually :)

Math - Please complete these questions we worked on in class.... (Due tomorrow)

  1. Exercises - #1, 2, 3, 5

  2. Answers & Solutions

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Wednesday September 14, 2022

 Good evening, everyone!

Literacy - Please complete the journal entry we completed today in class.  Here are the specifics of the assignment.... (due tomorrow)

1. At least 400 words

2. PUSH YOUR THIINKING PROMPTS  (links also on Google Classroom)

3.  Identify anything you are realizing or discovering as a result of using the push your thinking prompts to help you "dig deeper" and reflect while you write.  You can use the "Mike Gartner" example I shared in class as a model of what this can look like.

4.  Please highlight any discoveries you make.  If you can't find any, don't worry, we will get there eventually :)

Science - Please complete question #2 (not #1) from "Task #1 - Cell Theory" (Due tomorrow)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Tuesday September 13, 2022

Good evening, everyone!

Literacy - Please complete the journal entry we completed today in class.  Here are the specifics of the assignment.... (due tomorrow)

1. At least 300 words

2. PUSH YOUR THIINKING PROMPTS  (links also on Google Classroom)

3.  Identify anything you are realizing or discovering as a result of using the push your thinking prompts to help you "dig deeper" and reflect while you write.  You can use the "Mike Gartner" example I shared in class as a model of what this can look like.

4.  Please highlight any discoveries you make.  If you can't find any, don't worry, we will get there eventually :)

Science - Please complete question #2 (not #1) from "Task #1 - Cell Theory" (Due Thursday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Monday, 12 September 2022

Monday September 12, 2022

 Good evening, everyone!

Personal Technology - Students are encouraged to bring their own personal tech devices to use at school.  Please know that the school is not responsible for any damage or loss.  If you do not have technology to bring, or your family is not comfortable with it, that is completely fine.

Silent Reading - Please make sure you have a book to read at school.  It is your responsibility to make sure that you always have a book that you are interested in reading.  Please no graphic novels.  I will explain this decision in class.  Thank you, everyone. :)  (Due - late)

Literacy - Please complete your  TWO journal entries from today using PUSH YOUR THIINKING PROMPTS to generate ideas.  You can find the prompts attached on Google Classroom under "Journal Unit".  Please have between 250-300 words for each.  Please also include at least 3 compound sentences.  Explanations on compound sentences are also attached on Google Classroom under "Journal Unit".  (Due tomorrow)

Math - Please complete the 4 questions on slide #3 of THIS JAMBOARD.  (Jamboard also found on Google Classroom).  Please make sure you solve them in the ways shown in the pictures on slides #1 & 2)  (Due tomorrow)

Science - Please complete question #2 (not #1) from "Task #1 - Cell Theory" (Due Thursday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Friday, 9 September 2022

Friday September 9, 2022

Good evening, everyone!

Personal Technology - Students are encouraged to bring their own personal tech devices to use at school.  Please know that the school is not responsible for any damage or loss.  If you do not have technology to bring, or your family is not comfortable with it, that is completely fine.

Google Classroom - If you have not signed up for our Google Classroom, please do so.  The class code is kzp5cup (due - late)

Parent Letter - Under "General Information" on Google Classroom, there is a letter to your parents.  Please show this to your parents, as I have asked them to send me an email response.  Thank you :)  (Due)

Silent Reading - Please make sure you have a book to read at school.  It is your responsibility to make sure that you always have a book that you are interested in reading.  Please no graphic novels.  I will explain this decision in class.  Thank you, everyone. :)  (Due Monday)

Literacy - Please complete your journal entry from today.  You can find the prompts attached on Google Classroom under "Journal Unit".  Please have between 250-300 words.  Please also include at least 3 compound sentences.  Explanations on compound sentences are also attached on Google Classroom under "Journal Unit".  (Due Monday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

Thursday, 8 September 2022

Thursday September 8, 2022

 Good evening, everyone!

It was so great getting to meet everyone today.  This is our homework blog.  The expectation is that you will review it each evening to ensure that you are organized and keeping up with your responsibilities.

Personal Technology - Students are encouraged to bring their own personal tech devices to use at school.  Please know that the school is not responsible for any damage or loss.  If you do not have technology to bring, or your family is not comfortable with it, that is completely fine.

Google Classroom - If you have not signed up for our Google Classroom, please do so.  The class code is kzp5cup (due - late)

Parent Letter - Under "General Information" on Google Classroom, there is a letter to your parents.  Please show this to your parents, as I have asked them to send me an email response.  Thank you :)  (Due tomorrow)

Silent Reading - Please make sure you have a book to read at school.  It is your responsibility to make sure that you always have a book that you are interested in reading.  Please no graphic novels.  I will explain this decision in class.  Thank you, everyone. :)  (Due Monday)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr