Friday, 16 September 2022

Friday September 16, 2022

Good evening, everyone!

IMPORTANT!  Please share with your families the discussion we had around gum at school.  To be clear, if you choose to chew gum anywhere at school, especially indoors, you will be cleaning the floor of our classroom, and checking to make sure there is no gum stuck under desks, each night.  You will do this for two weeks.  Please remember, you are grade 8's, and becoming leaders means leading yourselves well.  Leading yourself well involves making wise decisions.  Choosing to break school rules is not wise.  Choosing to chew gum is also disrespectful because it ends up creating a mess that our caretakers are left to clean up.  This is disrespectful, and will not be tolerated.

Start Up Forms - If these forms have not been emailed to your families, please ask the adults in your home to call the office.  They are required to be filled out.  Thank you!! :)

Literacy - Today we read the "Habits" text.  Please review your notes, and use the following prompts to write 400 words.  

What unhelpful habits have you developed in classrooms or other places you spend time in?

What can you begin doing to develop habits that will promote growth that EXCITES you?

Reminder of success criteria....

1.  Seek to make connections between the 3 texts using PUSH YOUR THIINKING PROMPTS .

2.  At least 400 words

3.  Identify anything you are realizing or discovering as a result of using the push your thinking prompts to help you "dig deeper" and reflect while you write.  You can use the "Mike Gartner" example I shared in class as a model of what this can look like.

4.  Please highlight any discoveries you make.  If you can't find any, don't worry, we will get there eventually :)

Math - Please complete the following assingment we started today in class (due Monday)....

    1. Exercises - #1 - 4

    2. Answers & Solutions

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

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