Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Wednesday January 25, 2023

Good evening everyone, 

Please find your homework below....


Since tomorrow has been declared as an inclement weather day, I would like to provide everyone with the work that we will be doing tomorrow.  The school will still be open to students, but I recognize that not everyone will be able to get here.  Tomorrow you will have time to work on the following....

Math -  Extra Math help & studying for the upcoming test.  Go through all practice & review questions associated with the STUDENT UNIT PLANS.  Please note... there is one portion on Lesson #7 that we did not complete.  It has to do with monomials, binomials & trinomials.  We will complete this in class another day.

Homework Catch - Up -  Ensure that all homework that has been assigned on the blog has been completed.

History - You will be provided with time to begin TASK B - HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE INDIAN ACT.  You will be provided with one more class period to work on this on Friday.  It will then be homework.

Literacy - Please ensure that you have gone through all of your "Deliberate Practice" entries and proofread them.

Science - You will be provided with time to work on Task #2 - Systems in Action - Simple Machines.  You will be provided with one more period after tomorrow to work on it.  Then it will be homework.

Literacy - We will continue working on Narrative Writing Task that we started today (Wednesday).  This will be due on Friday.

If you are at home learning tomorrow, please feel free to email me with any questions...  Be safe! 

High School Transfer Forms - If you are planning to attend a school other than Sir G.W. Williams or St. Max, please remember that transfer forms must be submitted by February 3rd.  Please let Mr. Carr know if you have not completed this form and I can provide you with guidance.  Your family can also email me or call me.  (Due February 3rd)

Movie Vote - To support our School Council, who works so hard to support our school community, please complete THIS SURVEY by Thursday.  Thank you! (Due Thursday)

Literacy - Please complete THIS DELIBERATE PRACTICE TASK.  (Due tomorrow)

Math - Please complete at least 2 correct answers for Questions #1, 2, 3 & 4 in Lesson #7.  (Due tomorrow)

History - Task A - Colonialism Policy is due Thursday January 26th  (Due tomorrow)

Science - Task #1 - Systems in Action (Due - late)

Drama - Please complete steps #1 & 2 for the Complex Issue Assignment.  Please remember that this is a group task. (Due Tuesday)

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

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