Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday June 13, 2024

  Good evening everyone :)

Missing Tasks - Please review your completion marks that were provided to you on Friday.  Arrange to see Mr. Carr at a morning recess if you need to in order to try and improve marks.  Please remember, that incomplete work will be reflected on your report card.  Please be responsible to complete work on time, or ask for an extension if needed.  

Jump Rope for Heart- Is tomorrow.  Donation info forms have gone home.  (Tomorrow).

Growth & Development Parent/Guardian Letter - Please show THIS LETTER to your parent(s)/guardian(s).  If you parent would like an exemption, please have them contact me as soon as possible, as I need the exemption letter completed by Friday.  (Due tomorrow).  

Graduation Dessert Selection- Please see Google Classroom for the "Pick Your Dessert for Graduation" Survey.  (Due - late)

Learning Day! - After graduation, I will provide you with time to learn on any topic that you want.  I would like to encourage you to please plan for this.  You may want to get texts for me to print for you.  You may want to bring texts from home.  If you use a school computer, that computer may not be available the last week of school.  So please plan so that you can enjoy learning!

Literacy - Rough drafts for your picture book stories are due on Friday.  Please remember the following success criteria below....(Due tomorrow).

- You must have at least 12 pages, but no more than 24 pages.

- Don't spend a lot of time on the pictures in your rough draft.  You will do that on your good copy.

- Make sure your rough draft has all the words in your story the way you want them.  That way you can transfer them to your good copy.

- Make sure you spell check, and grammar check.  Use your computer to help you wherever you need it.

- Please refer to THIS RUBRIC to help you write your rough draft.

Geography - Complete Task #7.  Please complete the last 2 questions (#3 & 4) on paper.  (Due - late)

Visual Arts - Please have rough copy for Graduation "Friendship" Art done for Friday (Due tomorrow)

Geography- Please complete Task 8A for Monday (Due Monday)

Since some students will be absent for Track & Field, I am placing the homework for tomorrow (Thursday) here so that you can get a head start if needed....

Math - Begin Unit #16- Measurement.  Complete lesson #1 - Area of Composite Shapes.  Please watch the videos, and then complete Exercises #1-3.  You do NOT need to do the review questions like we  usually do.  You only need to do the exercises.  (Due tomorrow)

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

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