Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tuesday September 3, 2024

 Hello everyone, 

Welcome to our class homework blog.  This is where you will find your homework each night.  The expectation is that you will check the blog each and every night, and complete the homework necessary.

A few things to be aware of...

1)  I am not a huge fan of homework, so I don't usually assign a lot.  With that said, what I do assign I expect you will complete.  

2)  If you cannot complete your homework, please have a note from a parent/guardian explaining why.  I recognize things come up, so it's no problem.  But I would like the note please.

3)  If you ever need an extension on homework or assignments, that is fine, but please do not wait until the last minute to ask.  This homework blog is here to help us plan ahead.

Here is tonight's homework....

Parent/Guardian Letter - Please show the parent/guardian letter to your family.  Thank you :)  (Due Friday)

Silent Reading - Please have silent reading books.  These should be novels, not graphic novels.  They should be books you are excited to read.  Mr. Carr has books you can choose from in the classroom if you need.  We can also arrange for you to go tot he library. (Due Monday)

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