Friday, 23 October 2015

Friday October 23, 2015

Literacy - Please complete the following question from the R.A. Dickey biography we read in class (due Monday):

What does the fact that R.A. Dickey did not "freak out" on the person who took away his dream tell us about how he has developed as a person?

Literacy - Please look at the "Dare You to Move" lyrics and answer the following question:  (due Monday):

Is this song describing the story of life?  If so, how so?  Please use details from the text to support your answers.  

History - Please read and complete questions in the online textbook up to, and including, page 40.  (Due Wednesday)

Science - Look at assignment sheet from Mrs. Foster for upcoming assignments.  They are all included on the sheet that was handed out.

Friday Folders signed and returned.

Please "Dare You to Move"

The below link will take you to the Karaoke version we have been following in class.

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