Thursday, 20 September 2018

Thursday September 20, 2018

Good evening everyone,

Please find your homework below....

Book of forms - filled out and returned (Due)

Personal Info Sheet - Please review sheet sent home and update with any information which is incorrect, or has changed since last school year.  Thank you :)  (Due tomorrow)

Silent Reading - please note that starting October 1, everyone will be required to have a paper text to read at school.  I would like us to stay away from graphic novels and there will be no more reading on technology during silent reading times.  I encourage reading of these texts in your free time, but during school hours, these forms of text will not serve our learning as well as more traditional texts.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Terry Fox - We are hoping to try and have every student in the school donate a toonie for Terry :)

Literacy - Please complete your graphic organizers.  The steps for the conclusion are below....
1. Restate thesis
2. Briefly summarize arguments
3. End with a strong statement.

Literacy - Please decide on your 4 healthy eating research questions

Art - Please complete Unity & Harmony assignment (due Friday)

Health - Question page (due Tuesday)

History - Please complete the following....
1. Read pages 28-36 in your textbook.
2.  What challenges occurred for the First Nation people?  Please write a brief explanation for each challenge.
3.  In your opinion, is it surprising that these challenges occurred?  Please use details from the text to prove/explain your thoughts.  (Due Tuesday)

French - All about me project (due tomorrow)

Science - Quiz on Friday.  Use Google Classroom to study.  (Due Friday)

Late work
1. Compound sentences page
2.  Pyramid of Success chart

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

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