Friday, 21 June 2019

Friday June 21, 2019

Good evening everyone,

We have completed our growth & development instruction for this year.  As we discussed in class, students are encouraged to discuss these topics with their parents.  The topics we discussed were....
1.  Consent as it relates to the law and sexual activity.
2.  Male and female reproductive systems (parts, functions, etc.)
3.  Defined sexual activity as anything stemming from hugging up to sexual intercourse, and discussed why there is such a range.
4.  The importance of having conversations with parents and family to support decision making around what is right for you pertaining to sexual activity.
5.  Sexually transmitted infections (STI's).  Descriptions and method of transmission.
6.  Adults who they can speak to if they have questions (i.e., parents, doctors, family members, teachers, etc..)
7.  The topic of abstinence and how it is the only proven way to completely protect yourself from STI's and any other harm that can come from sexual activity (i.e., emotional harm)
8.  In general, students have a lot of questions.  I have answered questions in the best way I know how, but have encouraged students to continue these discussions with family and trusted adults.

Grad Volunteers - Thank you to those who have said they would like to volunteer Wednesday June 26th @ 5:30 for the grade 8 graduation.  Please wear a white top and black bottoms if you have them.  If not, it is no problem, you can simply wear something "dressy".  Thank you! :)

Textbooks - Have been collected and due.  If you still owe a book please return it ASAP.  If you cannot find it, please let me know and I will provide you with the replacement cost. 

Portfolios - These have gone home.  They should be shown to your parents.  They can be kept at home.  They contain a variety of assignments which have been completed in the last couple of months, as well as some tasks that were completed earlier in the year.  Once again, this is some of the assignments, not all.

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr (Please only use this email for sharing documents on Google Drive.) 

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