Thursday, 13 June 2019

Friday June 14, 2019

Good evening everyone,

Thank you to all who volunteered for Hansenpalooza this evening.  As a school, we appreciate your efforts so very, very much!  THANK YOU!!

Portfolios - These have gone home.  They should be shown to your parents.  They can be kept at home.  They contain a variety of assignments which have been completed in the last couple of months, as well as some tasks that were completed earlier in the year.  Once again, this is some of the assignments, not all.

Drama: Reflection task due Monday. Please complete your 250 word journal reflection that you worked on today in class. The topic of the reflection is to discuss the things you are good at when presenting in front of a group, and the things that you could use to improve upon. You should be close to complete. Once you have completed the reflection, please review it, and create 3-4 conclusions which inform you on what you are strong at, and what you need to continue working on when presenting in front of a group. (Due Monday)

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr (Please only use this email for sharing documents on Google Drive.) 

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