Thursday, 28 November 2019

Friday November 29, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Thank you to all those who said they are willing to come in on Tuesday at 8:30am to help set up the MADD presentation.  See you at 8:30am :)  Thank you again!

Ross Petty - Arts package field trip on December 10th.  The cost for this trip was covered in your arts package fees.  If you can please return all forms ASAP that would be very much appreciated. :)

December Assembly- We will be hosting.  Here is the link to the song we will be singing with the grade 2's & 6's :)

Math - Tests signed and returned (Due Monday)

Math - Any students who received under 14/20 on their math test, your corrections are due on Wednesday.  As always, please feel free to come see me before then for extra help.  (Due Wednesday)

Literacy - Please complete your journal entry on the Washington Redskins controversy.  Use this journal to help you decide what you think about this issue.  Should they change the name?  Should they not?  What do you think?  (Due Monday)

Literacy - The following are the articles that we have been examining regarding the Washington Redskins controversy.  They are here for if you would like to review at any point.

Health - We have been learning about the brain. 

The following are links to the videos we have learned from in class....

Social Studies - War of 1812 assignment instructions are on Google Classroom.  Assignments are due December 13th.  (Due Friday December 13th)

Dance - Dance presentations next class (Due Thursday).

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Wednesday November 27, 2019

Good evening everyone!

On Tuesday of next week (December 3rd), the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization will be coming in to speak to us about substance abuse as it relates to driving and the Ontario Curriculum.  We need 6 volunteers to come in and help set up the presentation.  You would have to be here by 8:30am.  If you are interested, please let me know.  Thank you in advance :)

Ross Petty - Arts package field trip on December 10th.  Permission forms have gone home.

December Assembly- We will be hosting.  Here is the link to the song we will be singing with the grade 2's & 6's :)

Math - Patterns unit test is on tomorrow.  Please follow the review on the blog.  As part of the review, you should be going over every lesson, question, task, etc. that we have done in class.  If you have kept your notebook organized, it should not be difficult to go back and review :)  (Test tomorrow)

Literacy - The following are the articles that we have been examining regarding the Washington Redskins controversy.  They are here for if you would like to review at any point.

Social Studies - War of 1812 assignment instructions are on Google Classroom.  Assignments are due on December 6th.  (Due Friday December 6th)

Dance - Please have your song, mood & message picked for next class (Due Thursday).

Health - We have been learning about the brain.  For homework, please complete the activity we did in class.  You need to take the page you were given with information about the "Teen Brain" and get all the learning you possibly can out of it.  How you do this is up to you.  Some of the following prompts may help you....
1.  What have I learned?
2.  How can I use this?
3.  What does all this mean for me?

The following are links to the videos we have learned from in class.... (Due Friday...since we missed Health Monday for Spoken Word Presentation)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Tuesday November 26, 2019

Good evening everyone!

On Tuesday of next week (December 3rd), the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization will be coming in to speak to us about substance abuse as it relates to driving and the Ontario Curriculum.  We need 6 volunteers to come in and help set up the presentation.  You would have to be here by 8:30am.  If you are interested, please let me know.  Thank you in advance :)

Ross Petty - Arts package field trip on December 10th.  Permission forms have gone home.

December Assembly- We will be hosting.  Here is the link to the song we will be singing with the grade 2's & 6's :)

Math - Patterns unit test is on Thursday.  Please follow the review on the blog.  As part of the review, you should be going over every lesson, question, task, etc. that we have done in class.  If you have kept your notebook organized, it should not be difficult to go back and review :)  (Test Thursday)

Math - Please come prepared to explain why the area of a parallelogram is bxh.  We discussed in class the ideas of moving one triangle in the shape to the other side to create a rectangle.  We also explained how you can use the area of a triangle (bxh/2) to explain why bxh works for a parallelogram.  Please come tomorrow having sought to understand exactly why these two explanations can prove that bxh works as the area of a parallelogram.  (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - The following are the articles that we have been examining regarding the Washington Redskins controversy.  They are here for if you would like to review at any point.

Social Studies - War of 1812 assignment instructions are on Google Classroom.  Assignments are due on December 6th.  (Due Friday December 6th)

Dance - Please have your song, mood & message picked for next class (Due Thursday).

Health - We have been learning about the brain.  For homework, please complete the activity we did in class.  You need to take the page you were given with information about the "Teen Brain" and get all the learning you possibly can out of it.  How you do this is up to you.  Some of the following prompts may help you....
1.  What have I learned?
2.  How can I use this?
3.  What does all this mean for me?

The following are links to the videos we have learned from in class.... (Due Friday...since we missed Health Monday for Spoken Word Presentation)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Monday, 25 November 2019

Monday November 25, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Ross Petty - Arts package field trip on December 10th.  Permission forms will be coming home.

Math - Patterns unit test is on Thursday.  Please follow the review on the blog.  As part of the review, you should be going over every lesson, question, task, etc. that we have done in class.  If you have kept your notebook organized, it should not be difficult to go back and review :)  (Test Thursday)

Math - Please complete the high-five question from class.  Please remember that all 31 students need to give every other student 3 high-fives.  How many total high-fives will be given?  (Due tomorrow)

Social Studies - War of 1812 assignment instructions are on Google Classroom.  Assignments are due on December 6th.  (Due Friday December 6th)

Dance - Please have your song, mood & message picked for next class (Due Thursday).

Health - We have been learning about the brain.  For homework, please complete the activity we did in class.  You need to take the page you were given with information about the "Teen Brain" and get all the learning you possibly can out of it.  How you do this is up to you.  Some of the following prompts may help you....
1.  What have I learned?
2.  How can I use this?
3.  What does all this mean for me?

The following are links to the videos we have learned from in class.... (Due Friday...since we missed Health Monday for Spoken Word Presentation)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Friday, 22 November 2019

Friday November 22, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Progress Reports - Have gone home.  You would have received two copies - one to keep, and one to return signed.  We ask that you also send back the envelope, as we reuse these.  Thanks so much.

Math - Patterns unit test is on Thursday.  Please follow the review on the blog.  As part of the review, you should be going over every lesson, question, task, etc. that we have done in class.  If you have kept your notebook organized, it should not be difficult to go back and review :)  (Test Thursday)

Literacy - Complete your thoughts and/or question notes regarding the Washington Redskins controversy which we started today in class.  (Due Monday)

Social Studies - War of 1812 assignment instructions are on Google Classroom.  Assignments are due on December 6th.  (Due Friday December 6th)

Dance - Please have your song, mood & message picked for next class (Due Thursday).

Phys Ed - Please record your beep test results today on your fitness tracking page.  Simply write down the date and your result.  I would recommend you record your result on a new line and leave the push-ups, sit-ups, squats and stretching on it's own line.  Basically, for every new date that you record a fitness test, record on a new line.  (Due tomorrow)

Health - We have been learning about the brain.  For homework, please complete the activity we did in class.  You need to take the page you were given with information about the "Teen Brain" and get all the learning you possibly can out of it.  How you do this is up to you.  Some of the following prompts may help you....
1.  What have I learned?
2.  How can I use this?
3.  What does all this mean for me?

The following are links to the videos we have learned from in class.... (Due Monday)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Thursday November 21, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Tonight is the PJ Movie night!  Admission is free, and snacks will be available for purchase.

Progress Reports - Have gone home.  You would have received two copies - one to keep, and one to return signed.  We ask that you also send back the envelope, as we reuse these.  Thanks so much.

Math - p.140 #6.  In addition to answering the question, please determine if there is a possible equation that you could create to find the term values for each term in the pattern. (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Complete your thoughts and/or question notes regarding the Washington Redskins controversy which we started today in class.  The link to the article is below if you would like to review it.  (Due Monday)

Social Studies - The remainder of the question packet we did in class is due Friday.  (Due tomorrow)

Dance - Please have your song, mood & message picked for next class (Due Thursday).

Phys Ed - Please record your beep test results today on your fitness tracking page.  Simply write down the date and your result.  I would recommend you record your result on a new line and leave the push-ups, sit-ups, squats and stretching on it's own line.  Basically, for every new date that you record a fitness test, record on a new line.  (Due tomorrow)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Wednesday November 20, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Progress Reports - Have gone home.  You would have received two copies - one to keep, and one to return signed.  We ask that you also send back the envelope, as we reuse these.  Thanks so much.

Math - p.141 #12 (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Have your favourite 2 spoken words completed and ready to present to a small group of classmates (due tomorrow).

Social Studies - The remainder of the question packet we did in class is due Friday.  (Due Friday)

Art - The following links can be used for the art tasks.  You can choose which one to do, or you can choose to do both.  (Due tomorrow) (creating depth/space - simpler) (creating depth/space - more complex)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Progress Reports - Have gone home.  You would have received two copies - one to keep, and one to return signed.  We ask that you also send back the envelope, as we reuse these.  Thanks so much.

Spoken Word - Complete your 2 spoken word texts that you were working on in class today.  Keep in mind that we are working on having more emotion and making it more "rant-like".  (Due tomorrow)

Math - Please complete the "Omar" question on page 138.  You only need to complete the question in blue.  The method you use is up to you.  If you want to use the steps they suggest in the textbook you can, but you don't have to.  (Due)

Literacy - Have your favourite 2 spoken words completed and ready to present to a small group of classmates (due tomorrow).

Social Studies - The remainder of the question packet we did in class is due Friday.  (Due Friday)

Art - The following links can be used for the art tasks.  You can choose which one to do, or you can choose to do both.  (Due Thursday) (creating depth/space - simpler) (creating depth/space - more complex)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Monday, 18 November 2019

Monday November 18, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Progress Reports - Have gone home.  You would have received two copies - one to keep, and one to return signed.  We ask that you also send back the envelope, as we reuse these.  Thanks so much.

Math- Please go on the Math Google Classroom page and create a copy of the Fitness Tracking document.  You need to then post your fitness results from DPA today.  You do not need to fill in the Beep Test, but please do the stretching task I shared with you in class.  For the stretching task, please remember that you measure with negative numbers if you cannot reach your toes, and positive numbers if you reach past your toes.  (Due)

Spoken Word - Complete your spoken word that you were working on in class today.  Keep in mind that we are working on having more emotion and making it more "rant-like".  (Due tomorrow)

Math - Please complete the "Omar" question on page 138.  You only need to complete the question in blue.  The method you use is up to you.  If you want to use the steps they suggest in the textbook you can, but you don't have to.  (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - Have your favourite 2 spoken words completed and ready to present to a small group of classmates (due tomorrow).

Social Studies - The remainder of the question packet we did in class is due Friday.  (Due Friday)

Health - If your "tree" is not yet up on the class bulletin board, please make sure you get it to Mr. Carr by tomorrow.  Thank you :)  (Due)

Art - The following links can be used for the art tasks.  You can choose which one to do, or you can choose to do both.  (Due Wednesday) (creating depth/space - simpler) (creating depth/space - more complex)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Thursday November 14, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Progress Reports - Have gone home.  You would have received two copies - one to keep, and one to return signed.  We ask that you also send back the envelope, as we reuse these.  Thanks so much.

Student-Led Conferences - Are on Thursday evening and Friday morning.  You can sign up for a meeting time on Edsby.  If you are having any difficulty or would like to book a different day, or arrange a telephone discussion, please let me know.  I look forward to meeting with everyone :)

Math- Please go on the Math Google Classroom page and create a copy of the Fitness Tracking document.  You need to then post your fitness results from DPA today.  You do not need to fill in the Beep Test, but please do the stretching task I shared with you in class.  For the stretching task, please remember that you measure with negative numbers if you cannot reach your toes, and positive numbers if you reach past your toes.  (Due Monday)

Literacy - Have your favourite 2 spoken words completed and ready to present to a small group of classmates (due tomorrow).

Social Studies - The remainder of the question packet we did in class is due Friday.  (Due Friday)

Health - If your "tree" is not yet up on the class bulletin board, please make sure you get it to Mr. Carr by tomorrow.  Thank you :)  (Due)

Art - The following links can be used for the art tasks.  You can choose which one to do, or you can choose to do both.  (Due Wednesday) (creating depth/space - simpler) (creating depth/space - more complex)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Wednesday November 13, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Progress Reports - Have gone home.  You would have received two copies - one to keep, and one to return signed.  We ask that you also send back the envelope, as we reuse these.  Thanks so much.

Student-Led Conferences - Are on Thursday evening and Friday morning.  You can sign up for a meeting time on Edsby.  If you are having any difficulty or would like to book a different day, or arrange a telephone discussion, please let me know.  I look forward to meeting with everyone :)

Math- p. 137 #5, 6 (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - Have your favourite 2 spoken words completed and ready to present to a small group of classmates (due tomorrow).

Social Studies - Royal Proclamation, Quebec Act & American Revolution questions (due tomorrow)

Health - If your "tree" is not yet up on the class bulletin board, please make sure you get it to Mr. Carr by tomorrow.  Thank you :)  (Due)

Art - The following links can be used for the art tasks.  You can choose which one to do, or you can choose to do both.  (Due Wednesday) (creating depth/space - simpler) (creating depth/space - more complex)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Tuesday November 12, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Tomorrow is picture retake day :)

Student-Led Conferences - Are on Thursday evening and Friday morning.  You can sign up for a meeting time on Edsby.  If you are having any difficulty or would like to book a different day, or arrange a telephone discussion, please let me know.  I look forward to meeting with everyone :)

Social Studies - Royal Proclamation, Quebec Act & American Revolution questions (due Thursday)

Health - If your "tree" is not yet up on the class bulletin board, please make sure you get it to Mr. Carr by tomorrow.  Thank you :)  (Due)

Art - The following links can be used for the art tasks.  You can choose which one to do, or you can choose to do both.  (Due November 20th) (creating depth/space - simpler) (creating depth/space - more complex)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Monday, 11 November 2019

Monday November 11, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Tomorrow, York Region Public Health will be coming to administer vaccinations to students.  Your child will not receive a vaccination unless a parent/guardian has already filled out the necessary forms.  My understanding is that York Region Public Health would have mailed these forms to you directly, for the YRDSB does not organize the vaccinations.  So once again, your child will only be administered the vaccination if prior approval was provided by parents/guardians.

Social Studies - Royal Proclamation, Quebec Act & American Revolution questions (due Thursday)

Health - If your "tree" is not yet up on the class bulletin board, please make sure you get it to Mr. Carr by tomorrow.  Thank you :)  (Due)

Art - The following links can be used for the art tasks.  You can choose which one to do, or you can choose to do both.  (Due November 20th) (creating depth/space - simpler) (creating depth/space - more complex)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

Friday, 8 November 2019

Friday November 8, 2019

Good evening everyone!

On Tuesday, York Region Public Health will be coming to administer vaccinations to students.  Your child will not receive a vaccination unless a parent/guardian has already filled out the necessary forms.  My understanding is that York Region Public Health would have mailed these forms to you directly, for the YRDSB does not organize the vaccinations.  So once again, your child will only be administered the vaccination if prior approval was provided by parents/guardians.

Arts Package - These have been placed on School Cash Online.  Thank you to those who have already registered.  If you have any questions, please let me know :)

Literacy - Good copy of attitude essays due Monday.  You will be handing in the following....
1.  Your good copy.
2.  Your graphic organizer (essay planner)
3.  All of your research notes ...
The 3 texts we read together as a class.
- The notes from the article at this link (
- The 2 texts you chose from the website that the article above was from (
The notes from the following the ESPN article on the baseball pitcher (
Your notes from the teachings on attitude that represent you, your culture, faith, etc..  You can look at the blog post from October 22nd if you need a reminder of this assigned task.

Social Studies - Royal Proclamation, Quebec Act & American Revolution questions (due Thursday)

Health - If your "tree" is not yet up on the class bulletin board, please make sure you get it to Mr. Carr by tomorrow.  Thank you :)  (Due)

Art - The following links can be used for the art tasks.  You can choose which one to do, or you can choose to do both.  (Due November 20th) (creating depth/space - simpler) (creating depth/space - more complex)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr