Monday, 4 November 2019

Monday November 4, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Just a friendly reminder on the school policy regarding the use of cell phones and other personal electronic devises.  They are only permitted for educational purposes, when necessary to address health concerns, and can only be used when given permission from a teacher.  These rules align with the mandates which have been established by the provincial government.  If these rules are not followed, then as always, it is policy in our school that the electronic devise will be taken to the office where a parent will need to come and pick it up.  I understand that these rules are harsh, but there are various reasons why we have these rules.  If any students or parents have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know  :)

Arts Package - These have been placed on School Cash Online.  Thank you to those who have already registered.  If you have any questions, please let me know :)

Literacy - Rough drafts of Attitude Persuasive Essays are due tomorrow.  Please remember to use the organizers that you completed to guide you.  (Due tomorrow)

Health - If your "tree" is not yet up on the class bulletin board, please make sure you get it to Mr. Carr by tomorrow.  Thank you :)  (Due)

Art - The following link is the art task you will be completing.  You can choose 9 squares to complete. (Due Wednesday)

Passion Projects -
It is time to begin demonstrating your learning from all of your research.  Please see below for instructions.  This is due Friday.

On Friday, you will hand in all that you have learned from your research on your Passion Project.  As described in the assignment instructions on Google Classroom, you have been assigned to...

1. You keep track of all your sources.
2. All of your notes & learning are organised in a way that is easy to read, follow and understand.

How you have kept track of your work has been up to you, but it did need to meet the 2 criteria mentioned above.

Your learning should demonstrate answers to the questions below which were provided to help you begin your investigations.  You do not yet have to have answers to all of these questions, but you should have evidence that you have begun to find a lot of good information for some of them (at least 2 questions) ....

1. What are the skills necessary to be excellent at this?
2. How do you practice/develop these skills?
3. Who are examples of people who have become good at these skills?
4. What did they do to become good? What can I learn from their stories?

After handing in your learning on November 8th, you will be asked to reflect on what you have learned so far.  You don't have to hand in these reflections now, for this will be a task that we complete after November 8th.  The reflection questions will be ....

1.  How can you use what you have learned?  How have you used what you have learned?
2.  What are your next steps in order to continue becoming an expert/more skilled in this topic?

To summarize, on November 8th you will be handing in the following...

1.  All the sources you have learned from.
2.  All your notes (very well organised and easy to understand) which demonstrate all that you have learned about your topic.
3.  Your learning should provide answers to the questions you were provided to start your investigation.

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

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