Monday, 25 November 2019

Monday November 25, 2019

Good evening everyone!

Ross Petty - Arts package field trip on December 10th.  Permission forms will be coming home.

Math - Patterns unit test is on Thursday.  Please follow the review on the blog.  As part of the review, you should be going over every lesson, question, task, etc. that we have done in class.  If you have kept your notebook organized, it should not be difficult to go back and review :)  (Test Thursday)

Math - Please complete the high-five question from class.  Please remember that all 31 students need to give every other student 3 high-fives.  How many total high-fives will be given?  (Due tomorrow)

Social Studies - War of 1812 assignment instructions are on Google Classroom.  Assignments are due on December 6th.  (Due Friday December 6th)

Dance - Please have your song, mood & message picked for next class (Due Thursday).

Health - We have been learning about the brain.  For homework, please complete the activity we did in class.  You need to take the page you were given with information about the "Teen Brain" and get all the learning you possibly can out of it.  How you do this is up to you.  Some of the following prompts may help you....
1.  What have I learned?
2.  How can I use this?
3.  What does all this mean for me?

The following are links to the videos we have learned from in class.... (Due Friday...since we missed Health Monday for Spoken Word Presentation)

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

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