Thursday, 9 January 2020

Thursday January 9, 2020

Good evening everyone!

Please find below the work that has been assigned, but some may have got behind on due to illness.

Please also find below our regular homework.

For students who have been absent due to illness...
I hope you are feeling better soon.  You are not the only one who has been away.  We have had a lot of students sick.  For this reason, I have placed below a summary of work that you can make sure you have completed.  I don't like assignment homework over the break, but it is important that you make sure you are caught up with what you have missed.  Whenever you are feeling better, please feel free to catch up with the work listed below.....

1. Stress & Anxiety research
- Please see the 2 videos on Google Classroom (Literacy) by Kelly McGonigal.  The TED Talk  video you should have notes for the entire video, but the other video you only need to watch and do notes for the first 10 minutes.
- Please watch the videos at your own pace.
- Take notes using "your excellence" (the way that works best for your learning).
- In your notes, please make sure that you are recording what you have LEARNED, what you have DISCOVERED/REALIZED (insights), what you THINK about the topic, and what QUESTIONS you have about the topic.

2.  Political Cartoons
- Please make sure these are complete and ready to hand in.
- Please make sure you follow all the instructions on the assignments sheet on Google Classroom (Literacy).

3.  War of 1812 Assignment
- Please make sure these are complete and ready to hand in.
- Please make sure you follow all the instructions on the assignments sheet on Google Classroom (Social Studies).

4.  Math test
- This will be on the Friday after we return.
- Please make sure that you have gone over the review on Google Classroom (Math)
- Come prepared after the break with any questions that you have so that you are prepared for the test on Friday January 10th.

5.  Passion Projects
- We have continued working on these assignments.  We have been working on them using the same structure that we have been researching our Stress & Anxiety topic.
- Please follow the instructions on the Google Classroom (Literacy) page for this assignment.
- Please pay special attention to the 4 questions that you have been assigned and already started your research.
- In your notes, please make sure that you are recording what you have LEARNED, what you have DISCOVERED/REALIZED (insights), what you THINK about the topic, and what QUESTIONS you have about the topic.
- After the break, we will continue with our research and I will be looking to meet with everyone to continue to support them in the next steps for their research.  Right now, the goal is to find as much info as possible, learn as much as possible, discover as much as possible, and continue to try and dig deeper into the topic so that we can continue to improve in these areas of passion.  This is not going to be easy, but it will be fun!

Please make sure that you are keeping up with anything else that has been on the blog the last week.  I hope you are feeling better soon!


Learning Skills - Each day, please complete your Daily Reflection page.  You are reflecting on the following prompt... "Today, I did what I ought to do when I ought to do it, so that one day I can do what I want to do when I want to do it."  (Every day)

Passion Projects - I would like to encourage everyone to go to the Aurora Public Library and find books on their Passion Project topic.  Please try to have them available for you to read at school after the Winter Break. (Due Monday)

Health - Please complete the following task which we started in class.... (Due tomorrow)
Learning Goal - Discover for yourself what will make school more enjoyable & meaningful for you.
Journal Prompt
The following prompts can be completed through journal, notes, artistic drawing, concept web, etc.
1. What motivates you to do your best in school? 
2. What gets in the way of you being motivated?
3. What can you learn or discover from this self-reflection?  How can you use it to increase your excitement for your daily school experience?

Math - Test tomorrow.  Review is on Google Classroom.  Please make sure to come for extra help sessions if you have any questions.  (Test tomorrow)

Math - Please complete 2 more rounds of your fitness tracking exercises.  It doesn't matter which days you do, but you should have 2 more rounds recorded by Friday.  We need to have these for activities in class.  (Due tomorrow)

Social Studies - War of 1812 assignment instructions are on Google Classroom.  Assignments are due December 13th.  Please be prepared to hand in, or present, depending upon how you decided to complete the assignment.  (Due - late)

Art - The following videos are being used for our current art assignment...

Health - We have been learning about the brain.

The following are links to the videos we have learned from in class....

Below are some links to texts which promote mindsets that we are seeking to develop in our  class this year in order to enhance our learning experiences.  Each text is a teacher writing to their student in an effort to provide encouragement.  I hope you enjoy them.  Please let me know what you think :)  

I encourage you to share and discuss these with your parents.  In order to view them, I believe you will need to be logged into your Google Apps account.

1.  Adding to your bank account
2.  To the student who just got an answer wrong in class
3.  To accomplish, you must first become
4.  School improves your passions
5.  The way school improves your passions
6.  Are you committed to your success?  Prove it, and you'll be glad you did!
7.  Why growth is fun!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr 

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