Good evning everyone,
Ice Cream sales - Some students have ordered ice cream which will start being delivered on Fridays. If there is any left over, there will be the option to purchase some for $2.
Graduation Tasks....
1. Google Classroom - Please join the "Graduation Google Classroom". The classroom code is riuumg7 (Due)
2. Grad Trip - Please complete the Google Form attached on the "Grad Trip" assignment. (Due)
3. Pictures for Graduation Ceremony - You can begin uploading pictures. Please see the instructions on the assignment.
4. Pictures - Memories - You can begin uploading pictures. Please see the instructions on the assignment.
5. Hoodies - For those who are interested, you can order a graduation hoodie. Details are on the Graduation Google Classroom. Sizes are adult sizes. You do NOT have to order a hoodie! You can purchase on school cash online between Wednesday April 19th and Tuesday April 25th. (Orders due April 25th)
6. Name for Diplomas - Please have your parent/guardian email me at to let me know the name that you would like printed on your diploma. If I do not receive an email by WEDNESDAY APRIL 26th, then we will assume you want the name we have on your school file. (Due Wednesday April 26th)
7. Program Cover Contest - If you are interested in this, please see details on the Graduation Google Classroom. (Due May 15th)
Please find your homework below....
South Asian & Tamil Youth Conference - On Saturday May 6th, The South Asian & Tamil Women's Collective is hosting a well-being conference. If interested, please click THIS LINK to find out more details.
Name on Diplomas - Please have your parent/guardian email me the name you want on your diploma. Please see details in the Graduation section above. (Due tomorrow)
Literacy - Please ensure that all of your social media learning, from the three texts we analyzed in class, have been attached on Google Classroom. To ensure that all your learning is in one place, please place all your learning in one document. (Due tomorrow)
Geography - Please complete the following questions from Task #7 (Due tomorrow)....
* Please see FIGURE 5.14 on page 151. Qatar’s GNI (Gross National Income per person) is well above Canada’s and yet Canada has a higher HDI (Human Development Index) ranking. What kind of questions does this make you ask?
* Some people argue that HDI (Human Development Index) is not a good tool for measuring quality of life. They say that it does not examine conditions that affect people’s satisfaction with their life or their overall happiness. Evaluate this argument with a partner and arrive at a conclusion together. Please write your own personal conclusion below.
Literacy - In class we went over THIS RUBRIC which will be used to assess your stories. Your final stories are due on Monday May 1st. For your final submission, please include the following.... (Due Monday)
1) The final draft of your story (Title it "FINAL DRAFT - NAME OF YOUR STORY")
2) A voice recording of you reading the story the way that you desire it to be presented. You can use Vocaroo to record. Please do not include your name or any personal information in your recording. Please note...your reading does not need to be perfect. Simply relax and enjoy reading your story :)
Have a great evening,
Mr. Carr
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