Hello parents,
I am really looking forward to meeting with all of you this coming week. Just a friendly reminder for those who have not yet submitted their time request forms to please do so, as the office is working very hard to try and fit in all parents at a time that works best for them.
Students are currently working on data management in math. We have been learning how to create various types of graphs, as well as how to interpret information from them.
In Literacy, we are continuing to work on our descriptive text articles, applying the strategies used to make a creative article so that the one we compose is exciting to read. We have also begun to examine how visuals are used in various texts in order to enhance reader understanding. We have examined how pictures can be used to better explain that which is in a text, identifying times where visuals are the most effective means of conveying information, and how captions are used to better enhance the effectiveness of a visual.
The grade 6's have been working on their science reports on a topic to do with space. They have been encouraged this weekend to conduct more research in order to find a lot more detailed information pertaining to their research questions. A trend that I have been noticing is that many students only provide shallow answers to questions given them, and do not explain in depth. This is a skill that we will be working on as a class this year - providing all the meaningful information that you can find/provide when answering questions/researching topics. The more depth to an answer, the more thorough the answer, and therefore the more effective the answer will be.
Once again, I look forward to meeting you all this coming week!
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