Monday, 10 December 2012

Monday December 10, 2012

Goodevening everyone,

Today we had a really great discussion as a class regarding treating other students with kindness, and being "defenders" of students who are treated poorly.  Statistics say that when 3 or more students stand up to bullying that the bullying often stops within 4 seconds.  A couple weeks ago was Bullying Awareness Week and so discussions and initiatives such as these are ones which we are putting in place in the classroom to stand up against bullying behaviour and fulfill the pledge that we took as a class, and school, to ensure that bullying does not plague Rick Hansen PS.  These initiatives are also a means of promoting positive behaviour and general kindness to others, which in turn creates a classroom atmosphere which is more welcoming and conducive to learning.  I would like to encourage all parents to discuss these initiatives with their students as we collectively promote kind behaviour towards all people both at, and away from, school.
Here is the homework for this evening.

Grade 5

Social Studies - Aeropostale assignment and House for Sale assignment due tomorrow.

Math - Data Management Test on Friday.  Students should be using the review pages, as well as the other workbook pages that we have covered throughout the unit to study for the test.  They can even use their textbooks to find additional practice questions.  Students are encouraged to come and see by Wednesday if they have any additional questions.

Science - Human Body Diagram presentations on Wednesday

Grade 6

Science - Complete portion of research chart for the animal they were assigned.  Don't be afraid to attach an additional page to the chart if you need more room to provide more detailed research.

Math - Data Management Test on Friday.  Students should be using the review pages, as well as the other workbook pages that we have covered throughout the unit to study for the test.  They can even use their textbooks to find additional practice questions.  Students are encouraged to come and see by Wednesday if they have any additional questions.

Have a great night!


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