Below you will find the things you need to do in order to complete the good copy of your persuasive essays. You will also find the rubric that I will use to mark you.
1. Look at the comments I left for you on your essay in Google Drive. Please make sure you make these changes.
2. Correct wording, spelling and grammar. Have an adult or someone older help you with this if you need it. You can also come see me for help.
3. Make sure that each paragraph stays on topic. Make sure that every sentence has something to do with what you are arguing in that paragraph.
4. Take out "I". Do not refer to/talk about yourself in your essay.
5. Make sure each of your arguments are actually persuasive.
6. Let me know if you have not received feedback from me on your essay. It is important that I see it.
7. Compare your essay to the example I handed out in class. Make any changes you feel are necessary.
a clear thesis in the introductory paragraph
at least 3 separate arguments, and each are in their own paragraph
arguments support the thesis
arguments are fully explained with adequate detail
matches purpose and audience
a concluding paragraph with a great "clincher"
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