Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Wednesday March 5, 2014

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

Please find your homework below.


Literacy - Complete graphic organizer for essay.  Also need to complete introductory paragraph and first body paragraph in rough draft.  (Due Monday after March Break).

Math -Math retest tomorrow.

Math - Times tables quiz tomorrow (1-11).  We are working on getting faster at our times tables.

Science - Please research and answer the questions below.  (due tomorrow)

5.  What are the major parts of the digestive system?
8.  Why is it called the digestive system?

-Please have your report cards slips signed and returned.  There is a portion on the report card for you and your parents to fill out and sign.  Please return the envelop with them so we can save paper.  Thank you!  :)

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

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