Friday, 2 May 2014

Friday May 2, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

For those of you who would like to participate in the "Walk for Life 5k Run" with Ms. Leung's class on Sunday May 29, please check with your parents.  If you would like more information about it, as well as a permission form, please come see me and I will get the information for you.

Also, don't forget to find the answer to our question about cheetah's vs. ostrich :)


Science - Please write a paragraph explaining which type of technology Mr. Gardner should spend  money on in order to promote achievement & well-being in the school.  The options are Ipads, Laptops and Wii.  Remember, the topics we spoke about in class that promote well-being (family, housing, work, learning, physical health) - Due Tuesday.

Math - p.214 -215 #1-4 & 6 (due Monday)

Math - Times tables test Friday.  You need to work on getting quicker!

-Please bring back your signed Friday Folders! We need to do a better job of remembering this please.

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

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