Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Tuesday May 13, 2014

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please make sure that you plan your time well over the next couple of nights.  You have your essays due on Thursday.

Please also remember to look around your house and find items for the stepping stones.  I may even move groups ahead on the "Booya Line" that bring in items :)


Social Studies - Please find the answers to the following question for your ancient civilization:
1.  What were the religious beliefs of your ancient civilization?

Here is a reminder for how to use the moodle for your research:
1.  Go to www.moodle2.yrdsb.ca
2.  type in your user name and password for the school computers.
3.  Go to effective online searches.
4.  If you need a password for one of the resources (i.e. Britanica) they are below the list of resources

Literacy - Good copy of essays are due Thursday.  That means you only have tonight and tomorrow night to complete them.

Math - Times tables test Friday.  You need to work on getting quicker!

-Please bring any smooth rocks that can be written on in sharpie marker.  As well, any beads or other colourful items that you feel could be used for our "Stepping Stone" would be great.  Thank you!

-If you have any overdue work (the list is on the board) please make sure that you complete it tonight!  Thank you.

-Please bring back your signed Friday Folders! We need to do a better job of remembering this please.

Have a great night!

Mr. Carr

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