Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Wednesday January 6, 2016

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below, as well as an attached note regarding Winter Electives.

Important Reminders
Winter Electives

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Our first Winter Electives outing to Snow Valley will be on Thursday, January 14th.  Below is a list of helpful reminders to ensure that your child has a safe and fun day.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s homeroom teacher.


The Junior/Intermediate Staff at Rick Hansen Public School

     The trip will start before, and go past, Rick Hansen Public School’s regular school hours.  Students should be at the school by 8:15 a.m., ready to board their buses.  The buses will depart Rick Hansen Public School at 8:30 a.m. (sharp), and return around 4:30 p.m.  You will have to make arrangements for your child’s safe transportation to and from the school on Thursday, January 14th, and on Monday, January 25th. 

     Students are asked to dress appropriately as they will be outside in the cold for most of the trip.  Clothing that will keep them warm and dry should be packed.  Hats, gloves, and snow pants are a must. 

     Students may pack a lunch or bring money to purchase one at Snow Valley Ski Resort.  Lockers are not available at the ski resort, so we ask that any valuables be left at home.

     If your child is skiing/snowboarding, please ensure that they know their weight and shoe size.  You may wish to write this on a piece of paper for them.

     Students participating in the stay-back program should come to school at the regular school time.

Tonight's homework....

Literacy - Please complete your Edpuzzle Database video assignment on the Google Classroom by Janurary 12.

History - Complete the question on Twitter.  You need to scroll down a bit to find it. 

Health - Please go on Google Classroom under literacy to complete the "Healthy Eating Inquiry Assignment".  You need to read the Padlet that includes what everyone has learned, and then type what questions you still think need to be answered about healthy eating in the second Padlet link (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Please complete the assignment on the Google Classroom about using quotes effectively.  Make sure you learn from others on the Padlet, and then type everything that you've learned.  (Due Friday)

Math - Chapter test on Tuesday 

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

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