Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Tuesday March 21, 2017

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Please find your homework below.

*We are raising Toonies for Autism.  If you are able to donate any amount, it is greatly appreciated :)

Literacy - Read & Reader's Notebook for 30 minutes.  Please remember that the purpose of this is to be able to work toward the reading goals that you have created for yourself.  (Due tomorrow)

Literacy - Please complete lessons #10 & 16 (due Thursday)

Math - Please complete p.140 #5  (Due tomorrow)

Friday Folders - Please have these returned and signed.  If you have lost your Friday Folder, please create a new one, put the work that was handed back in that folder, have your parents sign it to show that they have seen the work, and then please return to Mr. Carr (Due Wednesday)

Geography - Please read chapter #7 (Climate & Vegetation).  Please complete the following questions.... (Due tomorrow)

  1. p. 147 - “Explain what fig 7.7 is showing”
  2. p. 149 - “Draw a picture to show how a hurricane forms.  Do the same to show how tornado forms”.
  3. p. 151 - Write an explanation for why it is colder in higher altitudes.
  4. p. 158 #2
  5. p. 164 #1 & 4 (For question #1, please look at page 152 for your answer)
  6. p.165 #10a...but please make a conclusion of which location in the chart you would choose for the tourist attraction

Health - Please complete the "Harassment Definition" sheet handed out in class (due tomorrow)

Science - Please bring your filtration materials for Friday.  (Due Friday)

Science - Separating Mechanical Mixtures Model (Due March 28)

*Friday is wear purple day.

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

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