Monday, 5 November 2018

Monday November 5, 2018

Good evening everyone,

Please find your homework below....

Reading - Too many students do not have books to read during silent reading.  Please make sure you always have at least 1 book that you are excited to read here at school.  This should be an enjoyable part of your day, but it isn't when you don't have a book you want to read.

Dance - Monster Mash dance due Friday.  You will be asked to fill out a reflection sheet which demonstrates your understanding from the elements of dance.  I will provide this sheet in class on Friday. 

Edsby - Please ask your parents to accept the "Edsby invitation" they received in an email on October 18th, if they have not done so already.  If they need another invitation they can contact the office.  This is how we will be booking student-led conferences.  Please let me know if you have any questions :)

Return - Persuasive essays & the marked rubric must be returned after showing your family your mark.  I have only received a few!    (Due)

Art - This is Me assignment (Due tomorrow)

History - Acadians debate is next History class.  Come prepared with your arguments (well-explained, but point form notes okay) and be prepared to hand them in.  (Due Thursday)

Math - Patterns test Monday.

Math - On Fridays we will be doing fitness tests and tracking the data.  Please come prepared to exercise :)  

Late work
If you have not handed in your Washington Redskins assignment, please do so as soon as possible.

A message about yearbooks......
Dear Parents/Guardians,                           

Making new friends and making memories with old friends are important parts of the school year.  
Help your child keep the fun and memories alive for years to come with a yearbook, a time capsule
of the events and people that made this year unique.

Last year marked our very first yearbook, and it was a HUGE success.  The majority of our families
ordered one. Rick Hansen Public School is pleased to announce that we will continue the yearbook
tradition started last year.  The cost for the 2018-2019 full-colour yearbook is $26.

Please make your payment using SchoolCashOnline (
 Orders are due by the end of November.

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr 

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