Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Tuesday September 19, 2023

Good evening, everyone!

Please find this evening's homework below....

Meet the Staff Night - This will be on October 3rd.  If any families would appreciate having a translator present for the presentation I will be doing, we would be so very happy to try and make this happen.  Please let me know by Friday September 22nd. Thank you!  

RHPS Spirit Wear Clothing Orders - If you would like to order RHPS clothing, please see THIS FORM for details.  (Orders due Monday)

GSA Club - The first Genders and Sexualities Alliance Club (GSA) will be starting up on Day 5s at am recess, open for all Grade 6, 7 & 8 students. The first meeting will be Tuesday September 26th.  Anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Intermediate Boys Volleyball - Tryouts are Tuesday at both lunch & after school.  Anyone interested is encouraged to attend.  

Intermediate Girls Volleyball - Tryouts are Wednesday & Thursday this week at lunch.  Anyone interested in encouraged to attend.

PA Day on Friday - Please remember that there is a P.A. Day on Friday. :)

Literacy - Please complete your Tracking Documents for THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEOYou only need to complete one tracking document (combine learning from both videos into one tracking document)  Please remember, that even though the video link may not work, you can use the TRANSCRIPTS to review what the video covered.  (Due tomorrow)

Math - Tomorrow, we will have a brief check-in quiz.  Please make sure you can complete the questions we covered in class from THESE LESSONS.  You need to be able to...

- Add & subtract integers, and show your solutions using counters and a number line.

- Multiply & divide integers

- Solve Order of Operations problems using BEDMAS. (Due tomorrow)

Phys Ed Letter - There is a letter for families that provides information on Phys Ed this year.  The letter can be found under "Physical Education" on Google Classroom, or you can click THIS LINK.  You will need to access it for your parents under your school Google Drive account.  (No due date, please just show them.  Thanks!)

Health - Please complete your research for your concussions task.  (Due tomorrow)

Visual Arts - Vector Art Assignment (Due Tuesday September 26, 2023)

Have a great evening,

Mr. Carr


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