Monday, 8 February 2016

Monday February 8, 2016

Good evening ladies & gentlemen,

Math Lessons (Listen to these when you need help with the concepts)
  1. Translations & Reflections -
  2. Creating Similar Shapes - (Remember, the process explained in this video for creating a similar shape is the same regardless of what shape it is).
  3. Creating Similar Shapes Using Algebra -

Math - Please complete your second tessellation.  Make sure that you have at least 3 orientations, and that each orientation is a different colour.  This will be handed in for a mark, along with the tessellation you created for homework today. (Due tomorrow).

Literacy - Articles due Friday February 12th.  Please follow the rubric!  This is how you will be marked!  This is a very important assignment.  It is a big writing mark since we have spent so much time on these articles.

Art - Radial symmetry assignment completed (due Thursday)

Health - Complete your letters to yourself...assignment can be found on Google Classroom (due Tuesday February 16)

Friday Folders - Where are these?  Please get them signed and return your folder to school.  You can keep all the work.  (Due)

Literacy - Make sure you are following the timelines for your Social Justice readings and assignments. We need to do a much better job of keeping on top of this. Your marks will begin to suffer.

History - Please complete the following (due Tuesday February 16)...

1.  Describe the major struggle the First Nations people face in trying to keep their traditional ways of life, but having to battle against outside influences (think about what you saw in the video of the Mohawk Tribe land).

2.  Read page 216 & 217 in the textbook.  What significant events affected the First Nations tribes?  How were they affected?  (Don't be afraid to read earlier sections in the textbook to help you understand events that are confusing to you).  

Science - Please make sure that you keep up to date with Mrs. Foster's assignment sheet.

Science - Redo plan & test tomorrow

Have a great evening!

Mr. Carr

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