Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Tuesday April 7, 2020

Good morning everyone,

Here is a video message from RHPS staff to all of our RHPS families.  We miss you all!

It was nice being able to connect with so many of you yesterday.  Please remember that the best time to receive an answer from me is between 9am and 12pm, but I will still try to respond to everyone's questions.

Attention grade 2 students & parents...please scroll down to the bottom of this post to find your information.  Thanks :)

Any Questions?
- It is very important that you ask questions while you complete your assignments!
- Please write any questions that you have in the document found in the links below.  If you have a private question, you can email me at jonathan.carr@yrdsb.ca

Today's Assignments 

- Journal Task.
- Please see all the instructions on Google Classroom.  Today's journal prompt is...
- Prompt #2 - Write about a second person you admire.  What do you admire about them?

- Please complete Reading Lesson #2 - Figurative Language
- This task is on Google Classroom.  
- Please follow the instructions in the document found on Google Classroom.
- Please don't forget to leave your "ticket out the door" responses in the comment section for the assignment on Google Classroom.

- Please see lesson & assignment on Google Classroom.
- Please make sure you submit/hand-in the required questions.

Work for the Week
The following is work that you can be doing throughout the week.  Please pay attention to the due dates.

- Ms. Glanfield has placed a lesson on her class blog for you to complete.
- Please follow her instructions regarding due dates.

- Please check Mme. Murgan's blog to see if there is any work that she has assigned.

- Please complete "Chapter 7 - Climate" on Google Classroom.  Some of you may have already completed this.
- I have attached all the resources you will need in order to complete this.  This includes copies of the textbook pages.
- Due Tuesday April 14th.

- Only spend about 15-20 minutes on this for the week.
- Take a moment and continue your research for the "Healthy Eating Research Task".
- We worked on this in class, so you can continue with your research in the documents you created.
- Assignment instructions are online, but for right now, all you need to do is continue your research.  Remember that we are working on (Text 1) x (Text 2) = (Deeper Knowledge/Insights)
- Due Tuesday April 14th (15-20 minutes of research time).

Phys Ed
- Mr. D has been kind enough to plan the Phys Ed activities for us.
- Please join his Google Classroom and to access his tasks.
- Google Classroom Class Code lj2nl4n
- Introductory letter to parents at following link

Grade 2 - Science, Health, Drama
Hello parents & students.  From now on, I will post all assignments on Google Classroom.  I will also post the assignments on this blog page.

The assignments that I provide should only take about 10 minutes.  The reason for this is to ensure that the focus for students is on Literacy & Math instruction, and to ensure that they are not getting overloaded with work.

The Google Classroom code is lrxnl6n .

Here is a video that Mrs. Ford created to help explain how to use Google Classroom.

Please feel free to email me at any time with questions, or if there are any struggles or concerns.  My office hours are 9am - 12pm, Monday thru Friday.  My office hours will be the time that I can be most easily reached, but feel free to contact me any time.

Have a great day,

Jonathan Carr

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