Monday, 10 January 2022

Monday January 10, 2022

 Hello everyone!

Please find your homework below...

Extra Help - Mr. Carr is available from 3:15 - 3:40 today for extra help in any subjects.

Math - Please complete the task on slide #4 of THIS SLIDESHOW (due tomorrow)

Literacy - Please complete your 3-4 sentence "seed idea" for the story you will write.  (Due tomorrow)

Art - Shadow Art Task.  Please post a picture on Google Classroom if you can.  You can do the assignment in ANY WAY YOU WANT! (Due January 17th)

 Extra Resources to Support Your Learning

Homework Checklist- If you are having a hard time getting your homework completed, THIS CHECKLIST can help.  A copy of it is also found under "Important Information" on Google Classroom.

Math Extra Practice - There are a series of lessons under the "Math" section of Google Classroom.  The title is Extra Math Support.

Have a great evening everyone!

Mr. Carr

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