Good morning everyone,
This message has also been posted on Google Classroom.
Today is a snow day, so the school will be closed. Our return to the classroom will be put on hold for one more day.
All work today willl be asynchronous, meaning you can work on the tasks I have placed below, and can work on them at your own pace. We will not be meeting on Google Meet today, but I will be checking my emails frequently to answer any questions you have. Please email me at .
Here are your assignments for the day....
1. Literacy - Please complete your entire first draft of your story. By tomorrow, everyone should have the first draft of their story fully completed.
2. Math - Please review Jamboard slides #1-7 for the Unit #9 - Estimating & Comparing Whole Numbers (Rounding). We will have a check-in quiz on this tomorrow. You only need to focus on slides #1-7. The other slides were "challenge tasks" to help us practice. The quiz will not cover anything other than sldies #1-7.
3. Social Studies - Please use today to finish your research for Task #4 - What Was Life Like For Newcomers to Canada? You will complete the research on your own, starting where you and your group left off. You will bring all your research together as a group next day. You can all continue to work in the shared document you have created, but please make sure you contribute - don't let others do all the work. Any info and ideas you share are meaningful. If you don't have access to the document, please keep your notes to share with your group next day. Today is your last research period, but please do not work longer than 1 hour on this. Once you have reached 1 hour, please stop and move on to something else. You may not need 1 full hour if your group has used the work time you have already had effectively. If everyone does their part to contribute research today, then your group should have lots of great info when we come back to class to work on it :)
4. Phys Ed - Please check the Phys Ed Google Classroom to see if anything has been posted for you to complete.
Please remember, I will be checking my emails frequently to answer your questions.....
Have a wonderful day! Hopefully you have a chance to enjoy the snow!
Mr. Carr
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